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Consequently, whenever those who are enemies have opportunity to attack, they do so with partisan zeal, and the others defend lukewarmly so that one is in peril along with them.

于是, 那些仇敌一有机会便兴风作浪,以党派之争时的那种狂热对其进行攻击,而那些支持者则三心二意的,所以待在这些人中间是很危险的。

The limitations of the kitchen and its staff also enter into planning so that the menu will not include dishes which the kitchen cannot properly prepare; even if a short-order cook who makes sandwiches at a lunch counter or hamburgers at a fast food stand could make the sauces expected of a chef in a gourmet restaurant, there would not be adequate equipment for doing so.


Covered the cake with marzipan and built them up. There are some very strict rules at swedish bakeries so that i can only decorate the cake in the freezer it was so cold!


So grow them mainly for their beauty, while others grow them so that they can be harvested and used medicinally or for cooking.


Please see to it that your children's bedrooms have that mezuzah up now, so that they too can feel that God watches over them at every instant.


In salt solution, because of the role of ionic charge, so that intramolecular hydrophobic chain to enter into force enhancement, molecular chain contraction, so value continued to drop.


What matter who it be, So that his elements have grown so fine The fume of muscatel Can give his sharpened palate ecstasy No living man can drink from the whole wine.


Since so many black musicians were still not formally trained in reading musical notation,there had to be some way of knowing what the other players were going to do so that they could perform together.


Names of my two friends r suryadev n phani.their nicknames r suri n panda resp.we studied in the same school 4m nursery to 10th n in also +1,+2 grades but now we three r studying in three different places in india.but now also when we go to home we go to the ground near my house n play cricket 4 hours n then go to the late night movieshow.also we three play cricket so well n all the 3 were in the school cricket team n i'm the vice captain of it n suri is opening batsmen n he hits the ball very hard so that the ball should definetely go to a huge six.i also read for getting admission to this university n took coaching 4 the exam .

我这两个朋友的名字是suryadev 和phani。他们的外号suri和panda。从幼儿园一直到十年级,包括高一高二,我们都在一所学校,但现在我们在印度三所不同的学校里上学。但我们只要一回家,我们就会到我们家附近的操场上打板球,一打就是几个小时,晚上再去看夜场电影。我们三个人打板都很好,我们都是校队的。我是校队副队长,Suri是击球手,他击球力量很大,一般情况下一击可以得个大号的6分。我也准备申请进入这所大学,也正在为考试学习。

So, it is issue how to coordinate the relationship between nitrogen absorption efficiency and NUE so that not only increasing grain yield nor improving NUE because there was significant negative correlation at 0.01 level between NAE and NUE.


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So, It's Like That
That's Why I Love You So Much
That Same So-So Tune
Isn't That So
Say It Isn't So / Blue Skies / Here's That Rainy Day
Is That So Wrong
Hear The Noise That Moves So Soft And Low
Isn't That So
So Tonight That I Might See
That's Why I Love Her So

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
