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As you can understand, they need to be retrained and their own personal wishes should also be taken into account, so that they can be assigned to the posts in which they can best display their competence and their skill, so that will take a fairly long time.


Many of the mills and processing plants use 480 V distribution , with 2300 V for very large secondaries are often delta-connected so that plant operations may continue even if one phase becomes grounded , but these systems are always equipped with ground-indicating lights , and usually have special fault-tracing equipment so that phase-to-ground faults can be detected and isolated.

很多的纺织厂和加工厂使用480 v的分布,与2300年第五非常大的中级往往三角洲连接,使植物的行动可能会继续,即使一个阶段,成为接地,但这些系统都是配备的地面显示灯,和通常有特殊故障追踪设备,使第一阶段到接地故障可检测和孤立。

So I approached from that way, at which she squeaked and half rolled back, so that she was now on her side.


So I approached from that way, at which she squeaked and half rolled back, so that she was now on her side.


The Trojans advanced in a dense body, with Hector at their head pressing right on as a rock that comes thundering down the side of some mountain from whose brow the winter torrents have torn it; the foundations of the dull thing have been loosened by floods of rain, and as it bounds headlong on its way it sets the whole forest in an uproar; it swerves neither to right nor left till it reaches level ground, but then for all its fury it can go no further- even so easily did Hector for a while seem as though he would career through the tents and ships of the Achaeans till he had reached the sea in his murderous course; but the closely serried battalions stayed him when he reached them, for the sons of the Achaeans thrust at him with swords and spears pointed at both ends, and drove him from them so that he staggered and gave ground; thereon he shouted to the Trojans, Trojans, Lycians, and Dardanians, fighters in close combat, stand firm: the Achaeans have set themselves as a wall against me, but they will not check me for long; they will give ground before me if the mightiest of the gods, the thundering spouse of Juno, has indeed inspired my onset.

& 其时,特洛伊人队形密集,迎面扑来,赫克托耳领头先行,杀气腾腾,像石壁上崩下的一块滚动的巨岩,被泛涌着冬雨的大河从穴孔里冲下,凶猛的水浪击散了岩岸的抓力,无情的坠石狂蹦乱跳,把山下的森林震得呼呼作响,一路拼砸滚撞,势不可挡,一气冲到平原,方才阻止不动,尽管肆虐凶狂。就像这样,赫克托耳最初试图一路冲杀,扫过阿开亚人的营棚和海船,直插海边。然而,当接战对方人群密集的队伍,他的攻势受到强有力的止阻,被硬硬地顶了回来。阿开亚人的儿子们群起攻之,用劈剑和双刃的枪矛击打,把他抵挡回去,逼得他连连后退,步履踉跄。他放开嗓门,用尖亮的声音对着全军喊叫:&特洛伊人,鲁基亚人和达耳达尼亚人,近战杀敌的勇士们!和我站在一起!阿开亚人不能长时间地挡住我的进攻,虽然他们阵势密集,像一堵墙似地横阻在我的前头。我知道,他们会在我的投枪下败退,如果我真的受到神明的驱使,一位最了不起的尊神,赫拉抛甩炸雷的夫婿。

I still remember that a vacant morning ,i swinged into the sky,like a grey dove ,i flied so high so that you could see me!


The till , as provided in many tills today , may also be provided with program coding for the articles to be sold so that instead of entering the actual price the operator enters a code for the article so that the price is automatically produced .

到了规定的那样,在许多 tills 今天,也可能是提供程序编码的文章,以出售,所以,与其进入的实际价格经营进入了一个代码的文章,使价格是自动生成。

For instance when the evicted tenants question, then at its first inception, bulked largely in people's mind though, it goes without saying, not contributing a copper or pinning his faith absolutely to its dictums, some of which wouldn't exactly hold water, he at the outset in principle at all events was in thorough sympathy with peasant possession as voicing the trend of modern opinion (a partiality, however, which, realising his mistake, he was subsequently partially cured of) and even was twitted with going a step farther than Michael Davitt in the striking views he at one time inculcated as a backtothelander, which was one reason he strongly resented the innuendo put upon him in so barefaced a fashion by our friend at the gathering of the clans in Barney Kiernan's so that he, though often considerably misunderstood and the least pugnacious of mortals, be it repeated, departed from his customary habit to give him one in the gizzard though, so far as politics themselves were concerned, he was only too conscious of the casualties invariably resulting from propaganda and displays of mutual animosity and the misery and suffering it entailed as a foregone conclusion on fine young fellows, chiefly, destruction of the fittest, in a word.


And the slosh not only made the frog very big, so that when he stood on his hind legs he was tall as any Yip in the country, but it made him unusually intelligent, so that he soon knew more than the Yips did and was able to reason and to argue very well indeed.


This group held a 24-hour prayer vigil in which they called upon the ancestors to anchor space so that the land would cease to be harmed, and so that the bones of their relations would be left untouched.


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So, It's Like That
That's Why I Love You So Much
That Same So-So Tune
Isn't That So
Say It Isn't So / Blue Skies / Here's That Rainy Day
Is That So Wrong
Hear The Noise That Moves So Soft And Low
Isn't That So
So Tonight That I Might See
That's Why I Love Her So

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
