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Training when crawling, let the children get on the ground, into a prone position, his head looked up and, with his hands up the body, the parents of the baby's legs, bending gently on his belly, in your baby's face will put some dynamic, interesting toys, such as the roly-poly, singing dolls, electric vehicles, so as to enhance your baby's interest inspired him to crawl引逗at this time, parents can hand in his buttocks lightly stabbed you, or the palm of your hand resist his little feet, children will often put forward, so he had to crawl slowly; If a child is prone position, the only inhibitory effect head, upper limb strength should not put up their own bodies, chest, waist spaces should not inflate the abdomen should not from the bed, parents can be a towel on the baby's chest and abdomen, and then bring a towel, so that the infant chest, abdomen leaving the bed, body weight fell on hands and knees and repeated practice, the question of the lower leg strong muscles that can support the body weight, it has been gradually learn to crawl.


Training when crawling, let the children get on the ground, into a prone position, his head looked up and, with his hands up the body, the parents of the baby's legs, bending gently in his stomach, in your baby's face will put some dynamic and interesting toys, such as the roly-poly, singing dolls, electric vehicles, so as to improve the baby's interest inspired him to crawl引逗at this time, parents can be hands on his hips gently stab you, or the palm of your hand He withstood a small foot, the children often put forward, so he had to crawl slowly; If a child is prone position, the only head suppression, the strength of the upper limbs of the body can not put up their chest, waist can not be elevation, when the abdomen can not be away from the bed, parents can be a towel on the baby's chest and abdomen, and then bring a towel, so that the infant chest, abdomen leaving the bed, body weight fell on hands and knees and repeated practice, the question of the lower leg strong muscles that can support the body weight, it has been gradually learn to crawl.


""I have known Captain Savery, at York's buildings, to make steam eight or ten times stronger than common air; and then its heat was so great that it would melt common soft solder, and its strength so great as to blow open several joints of the machine; so that he was forced to be at the pains and charge to have all his joints soldered with hard solder.


SUGGESTED MODIFICATIONS Among the suggestions put forward by various commanders for modifying the 81-mm so as to make it more useful to the infantry regiment there were the following: Lighten it in "any manner possible" to increase its cross-country mobility. Build it so that it could be broken down from a long barrel to a short barrel, thus making a lighter pack possible while preserving its heavy punch at the short ranges. Sectionalize the base plate so that the load can be distributed. Alter metallurgically or in design the elevating screw, the breaking and rapid wearing of which is now the chief structural weakness in the weapon.


After take analyzed deeply for the opened magnet circuit with FEMM (Finite Element Method Magnetics) we find out the field distributing that is separated into three sections . One is the main area what we called as positive field section. Beside the main field there are tow areas that are called the inverted field sections. Loudspeaker arise a very serious distortion when the voice coil moving into inverted field areas. The direction of induced current in the coil part of entered inverted field area is same with the current driving into loudspeaker so that total currents increas largely and heat increase rapidly. With more coils moving into inverted area the voice coil will take on negative inductance properties. It is the main reason that voice coil is burned by heating with increasing current due to arise negative inductance. So opened magnetic circuit is not suitable for the woofers in which the voice coil have wider displacement range. When using this kind magnetic circuit design, the voice coil moving range should be less than the range of positive field to avoid loudspeaker arise serious distortion and heating. Even though voice coil moving range is in the positive area, loudspeaker will still arise more distortion because the field distribution is very cliffy at tow sides of the positive area and full range of magnetic field distribution is not parallel that will arise distortion. Base on above reasons, opened magnetic circuit is not an ideal magnetic circuit for low-frequency loudspeakers. But it can be used in mid-range or high-frequency productions.

开式磁路是由2片钕铁硼磁铁和主导磁板和导磁垫片组成,我们在实践过程中发现这种磁路结构不适合于低频扬声器的使用,我们通过使用FEMM(Finite Element Method Magnetics)软件包对该磁路进行了分析,该磁路的磁场范围被分成3个区域,其中在主导磁板附近形成一个正向磁场,在正向磁场的两边存在反向的磁场,音圈在工作时有很大一部分进入了反向磁场中,在反向磁场内线圈的感应电流方向与驱动电流方向相同,使得音圈呈现出负感抗特性,由于音圈的负感抗特性引起电流的增加导致音圈发热甚至烧毁,因此在扬声器中使用开式磁路时,音圈的运动范围应控制在正向磁场范围之内,否则音圈运动到反向磁场区域时将会产生很大的失真和发热,即使在设计时已经将音圈的运动范围控制在正向磁场范围之内,由于正向磁场的2个边缘磁场强度衰减太快,同时开式磁路中磁场的分布不是平行的,而是自由发散的分布,这样肯定会导致扬声器的非线性失真,因此我们得到的结论是:开式磁路并不是一个理想的磁路,它不适合于低频扬声器的使用,但它还可以应用于中高频扬声器。

The opened magnetic circuit is composed as tow NdFeB permanent magnets and a top plate without U-yoke. After take analyzed deeply for the opened magnet circuit with FEMM (Finite Element Method Magnetics) we find out the field distributing that is separated into three sections . One is the main area what we called as positive field section. Beside the main field there are tow areas that are called the inverted field sections. Loudspeaker arise a very serious distortion when the voice coil moving into inverted field areas. The direction of induced current in the coil part of entered inverted field area is same with the current driving into loudspeaker so that total currents increas largely and heat increase rapidly. With more coils moving into inverted area the voice coil will take on negative inductance properties. It is the main reason that voice coil is burned by heating with increasing current due to arise negative inductance. So opened magnetic circuit is not suitable for the woofers in which the voice coil have wider displacement range. When using this kind magnetic circuit design, the voice coil moving range should be less than the range of positive field to avoid loudspeaker arise serious distortion and heating. Even though voice coil moving range is in the positive area, loudspeaker will still arise more distortion because the field distribution is very cliffy at tow sides of the positive area and full range of magnetic field distribution is not parallel that will arise distortion. Base on above reasons, opened magnetic circuit is not an ideal magnetic circuit for low-frequency loudspeakers. But it can be used in mid-range or high-frequency productions.

开式磁路是由2片钕铁硼磁铁和主导磁板和导磁垫片组成,我们在实践过程中发现这种磁路结构不适合于低频扬声器的使用,我们通过使用FEMM(Finite Element Method Magnetics)软件包对该磁路进行了分析,该磁路的磁场范围被分成3个区域,其中在主导磁板附近形成一个正向磁场,在正向磁场的两边存在反向的磁场,音圈在工作时有很大一部分进入了反向磁场中,在反向磁场内线圈的感应电流方向与驱动电流方向相同,使得音圈呈现出负感抗特性,由于音圈的负感抗特性引起电流的增加导致音圈发热甚至烧毁,因此在扬声器中使用开式磁路时,音圈的运动范围应控制在正向磁场范围之内,否则音圈运动到反向磁场区域时将会产生很大的失真和发热,即使在设计时已经将音圈的运动范围控制在正向磁场范围之内,由于正向磁场的2个边缘磁场强度衰减太快,同时开式磁路中磁场的分布不是平行的,而是自由发散的分布,这样肯定会导致扬声器的非线性失真,因此我们得到的结论是:开式磁路并不是一个理想的磁路,它不适合于低频扬声器的使用,但它还可以应用于中高频扬声器。

Existentially, there is no way of knowing if the lover will love me tomorrow. I can hope that he will, but within his freedom anything is possible. My anxiety may cause me to wonder if I will love the other tomorrow. So love is love by the proactive free choice that is made moment to moment. In this sense, how we love will be as different as each person and situation is, so that freedom will always be needed to confirm it.With that I would say that love would be love when it leaves desire for identity behind and instead seeks only to love the whole.


And why the financial tsunami furniture enterprises of Guangdong such a tremendous impact, root causes, the foundry dependent overseas brand is the drawbacks of the largest such enterprises in this kind of "superiority" against the background of the market, except as federal, red apples, dynasty and a small number of first-class enterprises to maintain a clear development strategy, the overwhelming majority of the owners of a strong sense of satisfaction, enterprise weak, and many companies willing to do for others is only "awake" so that process Zhejiang School of Gary Coull, who ho Lee so that the whole camp Kawasaki friend who Shuanghu, or impressive, or quietly deep secret agents, outflanking the Guangdong faction of the majority of the non-market-oriented camp, resulting in Guangdong Furniture today the so-called "overseas markets are also fast and slow overseas markets also "dual-Ren situation.


IT is thought the skin have so much member ,but the water's contain to 70% and for the skin leading in physiology ,so that forn he's water principle theory——he thought ,the skin not better absorb for the effect component and illness or senescence whether it from the skin and the body's others but common qround is the same for the run short of the water in the cell and conjunctive tissue .in his manufacture in 1998 the new name came out and was named ——TORSION .for the technology he make use of the cosmetic ordinary 's drink aqua and lock the water capability when you use it , not only can keeping the skin have plenitudinous moisture,so that the skin deeply suck then using the ordinary cosmetic drink component hillpear mellow molecule deriive 's than hillpear mellowdrink's capability high 1~2 times for β- hillpear mellow.

他认为虽然皮肤有多种成分,但水分却占到了70%,对皮肤的生理肯定起着主导性作用,基于此形成了他的Water principle研究理论。认为皮肤对有效成分的吸收不彻底,以及疾病或衰老,无论它来自皮肤还是身体的其他部位,其共同点都是一样的,那就是在细胞和结缔组织中缺少了水。在他的精心研制下,利用化妆品常用的吸水剂山梨醇分子衍生出比山梨醇吸水剂吸水能力高出1-2倍的β—山梨醇,大大提高了皮肤的补水和锁水能力,使皮肤保持充足的水分,从而使肌肤对化妆品有效成分的吸收更为彻底。通过上万例的化妆品配方应用试验后,此技术于1998年在雅邦国际化妆品研究机构得到了推广,并利用Makinsdi.Dr的研究办公室作为新品的命名—TORSION。

IT is thought the skin have so much member ,but the water's contain to 70% and for the skin leading in physiology ,so that forn he's water principle theory——he thought ,the skin not better absorb for the effect component and illness or senescence whether it from the skin and the body's others but common qround is the same for the run short of the water in the cell and conjunctive tissue .in his manufacture in 1998 the new name come out and naming ——TORSION .for the technology he make use of the cosmetic ordinary 's drink aqua and lock the water capability when you use it ,ont only can keeping the skin have plenitudinous moisture,so that the skin deeply suck then using the ordinary cosmetic drink component hillpear mellow molecule deriive 's than hillpear mellowdrink's capability high 1~2 times for β- hillpear mellow.

他认为虽然皮肤有多种成分,但水分却占到了70%,对皮肤的生理肯定起着主导性作用,基于此形成了他的Water principle研究理论。认为皮肤对有效成分的吸收不彻底,以及疾病或衰老,无论它来自皮肤还是身体的其他部位,其共同点都是一样的,那就是在细胞和结缔组织中缺少了水。在他的精心研制下,利用化妆品常用的吸水剂山梨醇分子衍生出比山梨醇吸水剂吸水能力高出1-2倍的β—山梨醇,大大提高了皮肤的补水和锁水能力,使皮肤保持充足的水分,从而使肌肤对化妆品有效成分的吸收更为彻底。通过上万例的化妆品配方应用试验后,此技术于1998年在法国雅邦国际化妆品研究机构得到了推广,并利用Makinsdi.Dr的研究办公室作为新品的命名—TORSION。

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So, It's Like That
That's Why I Love You So Much
That Same So-So Tune
Isn't That So
Say It Isn't So / Blue Skies / Here's That Rainy Day
Is That So Wrong
Hear The Noise That Moves So Soft And Low
Isn't That So
So Tonight That I Might See
That's Why I Love Her So

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


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