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与 so then 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If so, then a good suggestion was to give your child a themed party.


So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God


So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of God


Eph 2:19 So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God

弗二19 这样,你们不再是外人和寄居的,乃是圣徒同国之民,是神家里的亲人

RA: I am Ra. As the entity which you are allows its being to empathize with any other being, so then it may choose to share with the other-self those energies which may be salubrious to the other-self. The mechanism of these energy transfers is the thought or, more precisely, the thought-form for any thought is a form or symbol or thing that is an object seen in time/space reference.

拉: 我是拉。因您所是的实体允许其存在同情任何其他存在那麼这实体可以选择与他我分享那些可能对他们健康有益的能量这些能量转移的机制是藉由思想,或更准确地说是思想型态因为任何的思想是一可在时间/空间参考基准被看见的某形式' 象徵'或某物。

Italians are world renowned for their love of the crossbow, none more so then the Genoese. These wealthy militia are equipped with brigandine armour, a large Pavise style shield, and a sword.


So then, I said, The nephews!


It may be that we are doomed, that there is no hope for us, any of us, but if that is so then let us set up a last agonizing, bloodcurdling howl, a screech of defiance, a war whoop!


Now you may ask yourself, so then what is the type of any type object?


I was the original "Wild Lily has spring" feeling Tai Su, and not directly to my central idea of the table, so then I changed to "Sex and the blessing", whose main purpose is to analyze men and women of the "happiness "In fact is not the same.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
