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so then相关的网络例句

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与 so then 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When the cooking time is up, allow the ducks to rest for 20 minutes or so, then carve and serve the duck with the confit and garnished with fresh watercress.


So then why don't I just put little dollops on it?


If so, then can resist various influences and erosions, purify the circumstance of journalism, and can better exert ability and wisdom, and do well work.


So, then, how can investors better gauge their risk tolerance?


And their father Israel said to them, If it must be so, then do this: Take some of the choice fruits of the land in your bags, and carry a present down to the man-a little balm and a little honey, aromatic gum and myrrh, pistachio nuts and almonds.

43:11 他们的父亲以色列对他们说,若必须如此,你们就当这样行:可以取些这地佳美的出产,就是一点香油和一点蜂蜜、香胶和没药,榧子和杏仁,收在器皿里,带下去送给那人作礼物

If so, then you will want to carefully consider all of your options, and find the best home builder for your new home.


If so, then the cause of the ink is certainly because cross-cutting knife of vibration.


"If so, then I'll create this story." Mayo took Taka's hand.


So then you want to know "wheres the catch?"


If so, then universals cannot be material.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
