英语人>网络例句>smile 相关的网络例句

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与 smile 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I thought I saw the daughter of a small child, that innocent smile and that silver bell-like laughter.


Love life traumas caused by the work imposed by the academic troubles, their parents and friends advise given by them ...... in my mind at the moment has long been a string of silver bell-like laughter, a light and elegant figure, a full is a smile of joy instead ......


A bellboy or bellhop is a person that shows the guests to their rooms at a hotel. They are in nice uniforms and weara big smile on their faces. At guest's request, they help unload the luggage from the cars. While the guests are checking in, they also keep an eye on the luggage and carry to the rooms afterwards.

在饭店带领旅客进入房间的人叫做bellboy或是bellhop,他们身穿整齐的饭店制服并且笑容可掬,只要旅客要求,他们会帮旅客从车上搬下行李,并且在旅客Check in时看顾行李,然后帮忙旅客把行李从柜台送至房间。

English Superman: A bellboy or bellhop is a person that shows the guests to their rooms at a hotel. They are in nice uniforms and weara big smile on their faces. At guest's request, they help unload the luggage from the cars. While the guests are checking in, they alsokeep an eye on the luggage and carry to the rooms afterwards.

在饭店带领旅客进入房间的人叫做bellboy或是bellhop,他们身穿整齐的饭店制服并且笑容可掬,只要旅客要求,他们会帮旅客从车上搬下行李,并且在旅客Check in时看顾行李,然后帮忙旅客把行李从柜台送至房间。

The magazine "stone" published the belus as the cover figure.Belus on the over smile and the background was the Italy flag.


You smile and say,"I'll take the box that is hidden beneath the middle one."


General Pecken roused himself after a moment with an unctuous and benignant smile.


The match girl burned another match and she saw her grandmother benign smile benignly.


The choice enrolledthe news group the comedian clown, long is gone to the frontinterview, the comedian clown sees the young soldiers already to benumb, drinks wine nearby the Vietcong corpse, to smile at the sametime the villagers at the same time which strafes on the helicopterruns away.


"Yes," said Bertha, with a smile that was almost ecstatic


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Tell Me How To Make You Smile
The Shadow Of Your Smile
A Loaded Smile
Three Mile Smile
Three Mile Smile / Reefer Head Woman
Cry With A Smile
When I See You Smile
Wait Til You See My Smile
Smile Like Mona Lisa

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
