英语人>网络例句>slower 相关的网络例句

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与 slower 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Consumers with broadband tend to shop online more frequently and spend more money than those with slower dial-up internet connections.


The velocity of flow fluctuates with season: it is slower in the period of low water.


My mind is slower and my effort belabored.


America could still beat any likely enemy, said the general, but its response would be slower and bloodier.


It includes: Voice morpher to change singer voice in two dimensions, voice pitch and voice timbre, to be either man, woman, young, old, or characterized; Tempo morpher change tempo to faster or slower; Beat tracking with various preset beats, bongos and drum loops; Cher modulation to create cher effect; 31 realtime single effects which can be combined up to 4 layers; and other audio optimizing tools: advanced tune, beat tracking quality controller, frequency morpher, equalizer.

它包括:语音morpher改变歌手的声音在两个方面,语调和语音音色,无论是男人,女人,年轻的,年老,或特徵;节奏morpher变化速度更快或更慢;禁毒跟踪各种预设的节拍,邦戈鼓鼓循环;雪儿调制创造谢尔的影响; 31实时单效应,可组合多达4层;和其他音频优化工具:先进的调,击败质量跟踪控制,频率morpher,均衡器。

It includes: Voice morpher to change singer voice in two dimensions, voice pitch and voice timbre, to be either man, woman, young, old, or characterized; Tempo morpher change tempo to faster or slower; Beat tracking with various preset beats, bongos and drum loops; Cher modulation to create cher effect; 31 realtime single effects which can be combined up to 4 layers; and other audio optimizing tools: advanced tune, beat tracking quality controller, frequency morpher, equalizer.

它包括:语音morpher改变歌手的声音在两个方面,语音音调和音色的声音,不是男人,妇女,青年,老人,或特点;节奏morpher变化的节奏更快或更慢;巡逻跟踪与各预设节拍, bongos和鼓声循环;谢尔调制创造谢尔效应; 31实时单一的影响,可以结合多达4层;和其他音频优化工具:先进的调重弹,击败跟踪质量控制器,频率morpher ,均衡。

Main drawbacks of the sixguns are small ammo capacity, slower reloading and bulkier size.


Compared to slower cadences, the higher pedalling speeds are more economical and burn more fat during exercise.


Also, the slower chicanes mean we can test how the car changes direction.


The boat was going even slower now, and the engine chugged monotonously beneath them as if it were singing a lullaby


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Slower Baby
Slower To Heal
Slower Than Nowhere

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
