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The author best known for creating the Headless Horseman also created the iconic image of Santa flying in a sleigh. In his 1819 series of short stories, The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, New York native Washington Irving described a dream in which St. Nicholas soared across the sky in a weightless wagon. The stories became so popular they spawned a Christmas revival of sorts in the States, and even Charles Dickens is said to have credited Irving's work for inspiring his classic holiday tale A Christmas Carol.

以创作了无头骑士这一形象而著称的知名纽约作家华盛顿·欧文,同时也创造了圣诞老人在雪橇上飞行的形象在他1819年创作的短篇故事《Geoffrey Crayon的素描书》里,他描述了一个梦,圣诞老人在一辆失重的车里在天空中飞驰这个故事太受欢迎,以至于在全国掀起了一场圣诞热甚至狄更斯也表示,他是在欧文的影响下完成了他的经典圣诞故事-圣诞颂歌

A quick sketch shows the walls broken, the central area punctured by the ley line, one of the towers shattered against the mountain, jungle to the west and north...


In fact , sketchy graphic arrangement analysis is more important to recover the information content of a sketch , especially for capturing brainstorms ideas .


Many of the rules given in the grammatical sketch are those set down by Klingon grammarians.


Prepares from sketch designs, ge neral and detailed drawing under the


Some Buddhists liked it very much, and used the sketch as letterheads.


The piano...更多 divertimento "Xiangtu Jieling Shi (poems of rural seasonal phenomena)" was one of the most important representatives of his later musical creations. This thesis has come up with ths stylistic features embodied by combining the Chinese national styles with Western composing techniques. At the same time, by comparing with Jiang Wenye's former homogeneous works "Five pieces of sketch", this thesis has drawn the conclusion that Chinese style was rooted more deeply in his later works as well as that the "Xiangtu Jieling Shi(poems of rural seasonal phenomena)" has historically and realistically played an important role in his entire musical creation


This was a sketch I did when I was working in American Eagle.


They include hard-boiled history, such as a review of how the confused motives of the British government's 1917 Balfour Declaration first laid the ground for the conflict. There is a vitriolic character sketch of Golda Meir,"the face that launched a thousand MiGs". And there is a somewhat moist-eyed account of a peace symposium convened by the conductor Daniel Barenboim that called for more European mediation—a call in which one cannot help but hear a subconscious lament by the eminent and worldly participants that Jerusalem and Damascus were not more like Vienna and Paris in the first place.


Course content includes an introduction to articulatory phonetics, and a brief sketch of the vowels, consonants, and supramentals in the two languages. Special focus will be placed on the specific phonetic features in each language which often constitute problems for learners in the process of language acquisition.


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Romance (Demo Sketch)
A Sketch In Black And White

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
