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The instantaneous angular speed based on the flexible body model underdiffierent faults simulated is calculated, which shows the rule of the instantaneousangular speed fluctuation ratio due to the underpower of a single cylinder. Therefore,the maximum power fluctuation ratio of the instantaneous angular speed is proposed to diagnose the fault of single cylinders underpower.


Based on the relation between the performance parameters of cylinderpressure and the single cylinder fault of underpower, a fuzzy diagnosis system formarine diesel engine by using fuzzy interfere principle is investigated, which canautomatically identify the single cylinder underpower. The researches provide thefoundation for the practical application of the instantaneous angular speed and thecylinder pressure methods.


Instant electric field-induced domain switching, crack initiation and propagation in a poled BaTiO3 single crystal, as well as sustained field -induced indentation crack propagation and 90°domain switching in an unpoled BaTiO3 single crystal have been investigated in situ using optical microscopy.


By cascading a delay interferometer as a comb filter with a tunable bandpass filter,and employing a saturable absorber formed by a unpumped polarization-maintaining EDF to select the single-longitudinal-mode of the laser, a stable wavelength-tunabledual-wavelength single-longitudinal-mode fiber laser is demonstrated.


To realize single longitudinal-mode of the fiber laser, a ring configuration is devised. The single longitudinal-mode operation is realized by using a fiber Bragg grating as wavelength-selective element and a unpumped 2m-loog erbium-doped fiber which can produce stading-wave saturation effects in the cavity, Its tunable wavelength range is 42 nm, the output power is more than 3.5 dBm and the stability is less than ±0.005 dB.


This is a good application of laser measurement technology in the test of a car body mode, which overcomes the limitation of a single scanning laser vibrometer in the test of 3-dimension modal shape of a structure. The use range of the single scanning laser vibrometer is also expanded.


The geology research of carbonate reservoirs in Ordovician of Tahe oilfield showed that many large dissolved vugs and fractures were developed. The spread of the reservoir take on a very heterogeneous state. And the typical fractured-vuggy reservoirs was formed. According to the combination of the various spaces, the formation was divided into vuggy formation, fractured-vuggy formation and fractured formation. The research showed that development of the vug is relevant to the its position on the structure, the fractures, the water surface and the weathering surface. Multi-phase charge and recharge of the oil in the reservoirs resulted in the complexity of the fluid distribution. So the"Bottle Model"was brought forward to explain the movement of the water-oil contact. The special storage space and the complex fluid distribution lead to the unstability of the production and the complexity of the water cut. In order to explain the characteristic of the fracture-vug unit was brought forward and the basic principle and method of the partition of the fracture-vug unit was formed. The classification and evaluation of the units were performed according the reserve and energy. Based on the research of geology characteristic and the fluid flow in the reservoir the comprehensive numerical simulation plan of the fractured-vuggy reservoirs were established. Through the selection of the simulation unit, fluid flow type and parameter equivalent the triple media reservoir simulation model was established. Considering the practical application the model was resolved by the DKR decomposition conjugate grads method. Based on the fine reservoir description of Dsitrict IV of the Tahe oilfield the various space type were classified and combined together. The geology model of Unit S48 was constructed. Two typical single well model was established according to the geology and the dynamic phenomena. Finally the single well model and the Unit S48 were simulated by the triple media reservoir simulator. Via the local grid refinement and coarsening in the simulation good matchs were gained. Based on the results of the simulation the reserve distribution, percent of reserve produced in various space and the natural energy were analyzed. The fluid was storaged in the fractures and vugs mostly and more than 90% the produced oil came from the systems. The energy belonged to the active one. The results of simulation accorded with the fact and showed the validity and practicability the research and the simulator.


If a team withdraws form one match under the grouped single round robin system, it can still participate in other unfinished matches. Scores for withdrawer will be 0:2. For the matches use the single knock-out system, withdrawers will be disqualified from playing in the remaining matches. The result that


Single molecule, single event, signal-to-background ratio,Mandel parameter, photon statistics


Blindside 攻其不备 You are able to divert your enemy's attention with a single melee strike and follow it with a single bow-attack at close range.

你可以采用一个近战攻击转移敌人的注意,然后再近距离用弓箭攻击。7 T( l2 s1 W) h7 G9 Q F

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All Or Nothing (Single Version)
A Single Second
Not A Single Word About This
Why I'm Single
Sexy Single
Every Single Night
Soul Mate #9 (Single Version)
A Single Moment Of Sincerity
Single Again
S S S Single Bed

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
