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与 single-funnel 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With the concentration increasing, the fluorescence spectrum changed from single peak to double peak then to single peak again, and the double peak wholly appear Einstein shift.


In this research, we report the development and experimental results of a single cell electroporation lab chip via the integration of dielectrophoresis manipulation and AC electrokinetic pump. Both dielectrophoresis force and AC electrokinetics pump are incorporated in this micro-chip for the target of single cell electroporation.

在这篇论文研究中,我们设计一利用介电泳力(Dielectrophoresis, DEP)达到细胞操控并且整合交流电动式微帮浦之微生医实验室晶片,提供单一细胞电穿透的生医应用。

Its benefit is that different structural sizes can be controlled by single design variable, such as the thickness of plate element and the area of bar element can be controlled by single dimensionless design variable.


Developmengts anslysis on plant high, caulis leaves and single fruit showed with coincident disciplinarian, but distributing unlikeness. From seedling time to flourishing time, 2 importing varities's developments curve were keeping epigyny, showed that importing tomatoes varities had obvious advantage on plant high, caulis leaves and single fruit, and had bigger increase production potential.


There can be numerous small independent governments. But it is far more difficult to maintain numerous equipotent small centers of political power in a single large government than it is to have numerous centers of economic strength in a single large economy.


Previously Ergon Energy had selected suppliers on a project by project basis, but the benefits and savings of contracting a single vendor and single switchgear platform were too compelling to ignore.

先前,Ergon Energy公司是一个项目选择一家供应商,但与固定一家供应商签订合同以及相同开关柜平台所带来利益和节省也太明显,让人无法忽略。

Aiming at these problems, an expectation maximum based MAP algorithm is proposed and the performance is analyzed. The proposed algorithm avoids large matrix operations by using the EM algorithm to decompose the MIMO channel estimation problem into a series of single input single output problems. Besides, a joint estimation is carried out over multiple OFDM symbols in order to enhance the data transmission efficiency and the estimative performance of the proposed algorithm.


The traditional virtual boundary integral expression is based on the extension of single layer potential, for the integral formulas related to single layer potential for parabolic problem, the numerical computation of the exponential integral function is unavoidable.


In order to solve the problem, We proposed a simple formula for computing paraxial travel time of single-way wave operator. The formula is based on the forward and inverse transform between time-space domain to frequency-wavenumber domain and from vector field to exponential as polynomials of wavenumber. Coefficients of travel time polynomials and that of single-square-root operator are related each other and calculated by Lie algebraic integrand, exponential map and the saddlepoint method.


On the basis of the kinetic equation of substrate reaction in the presence of urea or guanidine hydrochloride, all microscopic kinetic constants for the free enzyme and enzyme-substrate binary and ternary complexes have been determined. The results of the present studies indicate that:①In the presence of urea or guanidine hydrochloride, enzyme-substrate complexes lose their activity less rapidly than the free enzyme. Therefore, both substrates, NADPH and 7, 8-dihydrofolate, protect dihydrofolate reductase against inactivation.②The denaturation of dihydrofolate reductase by urea follows single-phase kinetics, and changes in enzyme activity and tertiary structure proceed simultaneously in the unfolding process, so it may be an"all or none"process.③The GdnHCl-induced unfolding of the dihydrofolate shows a biphasic transition, while the change in the enzyme activity is a single exponential process. The rate constant of inactivation is consistent with that of the fast conformational change. Therefore, the kinetic intermediate of protein unfolding should be a partially folded and inactive form.


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All Or Nothing (Single Version)
A Single Second
Not A Single Word About This
Why I'm Single
Sexy Single
Every Single Night
Soul Mate #9 (Single Version)
A Single Moment Of Sincerity
Single Again
S S S Single Bed

Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
