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与 simplicity 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And the corresponding blind channelization and dynamic channelizationthen in the multi-standard wideband satellite link are discussed. The advantages of the proposed method are the simplicity in implementation and low cost in hardware.


Another MCU, 89C2051 is used to realize the control of the three rows LED monitor showing coordinates of axis X and Z axis and other state of the system. Charnel A and C of 8155 are used for editor keyboard, which make the inputting or editing of the NC code and data possible. Charnel P1 of 8031 is used for the operation keyboard such as system power on/off and movement of axis X or Z. a programmable parallel I/O chip, 8255, is used to achieve system I/O and the transmission of other information. In summarize, the system developed is characterized by its simplicity, low development cost and high reliability.

在CPU存储器扩展电路设计中, CPU选用MCS-51系列的8031单片机,外扩32K的程序存储器和 8K的数据存储器,分别用于存放系统管理程序、数控加工程序以及运算数据;在显示电路设计中,选用MCS-51系列的89C2051单片机作为从CPU,控制三排LED显示器,用于X轴、Z轴动态坐标以及相关数字的动态显示;在手动键盘和编辑键盘设计中选用8155芯片的PA口和PC口作为行、列母线,扩展矩阵式编辑键盘,用于程序和数据的输入或编辑,同时选用8031单片机的P1口扩展手动键盘,用于系统启动、停止以及运动部件在X、Z轴方向的手动控制;在I/O口扩展电路设计中选用8255芯片扩展输入输出口,用于接收和传送开关量及相关信息。

Simplicity , convenience , cheapness and efficiency should be considered in the choice of feasible technology.


It is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of structure.


The following are the expressions for the mean pressure set up at the detection plate and for the time of the signal to progagate from the radiator to the detector:这里是1个公式,省略) where Re is the real part of the expression appearing within the braces, 0 is the density of the medium, vo is the amplitude of the vibrational velocity, c is the speed of sound in the medium, d2 = I +(r/zcos 8, z is the distance between the emitting and receiving plates, B is the angle between the axis of the acoustic channel and the axis of the tube, r = vro/c, v is the flow speed of the fluid, d is the diameter of the pipe, m is the circular frequency, k is the wave number, where a is the radius of the plate (this is taken as the same for the emitting and receiving plates for simplicity, but there is no difficulty in discussing plates differ~mg in radii),,~ is the vibrational frequency of the emitting plate, and The triple sums in the expressions for N~ and N2 may be neglected if the flow speed is low, since the contributions for these become negligible.

以下的表情为代表的压力设置在检测板甲,手持骑枪和时间的信号 progagate从散热器排出到检测器(这里是1个公式、省略)。在什么地方才是真正的出现在背带,表现为0密度的吗当时的媒介的振幅振动速度、c是声音的速度中、d2 =我+ r / z,8、z是距离的发射和接收板、B之间的角度对声信道和轴轴管,r = vro / c,v的流体的流动速率公式,d 管直径的圆频率,m,凯西是波数公式* n,一个是半径的板(这是作为相同的发射和接收吗为了简单,但板板是毫无困难地讨论不同半径)、镁-,~的振动频率的发光,。总结了三倍的表达方式和N2 ~能忽略的流量速度低,因为这些变得微不足道的贡献。

The following are the expressionsfor the mean pressure set up at the detection plate and for the time of the signal toprogagate from the radiator to the detector:这里是1个公式,省略) where Re is the real part of the expression appearing within the braces, 0 is the density ofthe medium, vo is the amplitude of the vibrational velocity, c is the speed of sound in themedium, d2 = I +(r/zcos 8, z is the distance between the emitting and receiving plates, B is the angle between the axis of the acoustic channel andthe axis of the tube, r = vro/c, v is the flow speed of the fluid, d is thediameter of the pipe, m is the circular frequency, k is the wave number,where a is the radius of the plate (this is taken as the same for the emitting and receivingplates for simplicity, but there is no difficulty in discussing plates differ~mg in radii),,~ is the vibrational frequency of the emitting plate, andThe triple sums in the expressions for N~ and N2 may be neglected if the flow speed islow, since the contributions for these become negligible.

以下是表达式平均压力为定于检测板和为信号时间progagate从散热器到探测器:(这里是1个公式,省略)假如再是出现在大括号表达式的实部,0是密度中期,沃是速度的振动幅度,C是健全的速度中,D2中=我+的导向8,z是对之间的距离发射与接收板,B是声之间的通道轴角该管的轴,R =中心内大多分为/荤,v是流体的流动速度,,D是管道直径,m是圆频率,k是波数,的其中一盘是半径(这是为重点,同样的发射与接收为le简单板,但没有讨论板的困难,在半径不同毫克),,是发光板振动频率,和在N的表达式的三重总结和N2可以忽略,如果流速低,因为这些变得微不足道的贡献。

From Ji Cheng's attitudes towards"artificial"and"natural", we knew his opinion of"nature and man are in one"; from the material enjoyment, mentally joviality and the noble-minded virtue in his art of gardening, we saw his living philosophy and morality view; through the analysis of his aesthetic psychological constitution, we exposed Ji Cheng's criteria of gardening and sentiment of aesthetics in the book that simplicity and elegance were beauty, diversity and variability were beauty, flexion and circumbendibus were beauty, loneness and hiding were beauty and vacant and remoteness were beauty; summarized Ji Cheng's artistic pursue in gardening which combined changing and innovation, harmony in meaning and scenery sharing, and reached the effect of natural views though created by man.


In order to set up a classical transport theory for gluons, we only consider a pure gluon plasma system for simplicity, which is described by the one-particle distribution function f for gluons.


In the simplicity of my heart, and cleanness of my hands have I done this.


Work days from the day God made God Prophecy hair monument, Ancient Proses on Stones, Maogong Ding, Han Li, cursive, etc. composition; the other one plus there is a word meaning Oracle and Clementi, the overall effect of simplicity to the public yet lively, Smart to the public yet dignified, such as Xingyunliushui, but also dry wet with degrees, all in one.


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Scorn Not His Simplicity
Complex Simplicity
Scorn Not His Simplicity

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
