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Patients were divided into several groups: the left-to-right shunt type of CHD without pulmonary hypertension , PH secondary to the left-to-right shunt type of CHD, no-shunt existence type of CHD (the three types above were regarded as acyanotic CHD), cyanotic type of CHD, and healthy children as controls. Diagnosis were established by clinical symptoms and signs, chest roentgenography, electrocardiogram, echocardiography, cardiac catheterization and surgery.
The main production of Self-healing low voltage shunt capacitor, AC motor soft starter intelligent, reactive power compensation controller, TBB series of low-voltage shunt capacitor devices, CBB60, CBB61, CBB65, CD60 series AC motor capacitors, metal pulse capacitor, magnetizing plane capacitor, ultraviolet lamp capacitor, split-phase shunt capacitor compensation, and other various low-voltage electrical products.
The design cross sectional area of shunt is calculated by the product of carrying rated current ratio and Bi-2223/AgAu matrix and shunt resistivity ratio. When quenching happens, shunt carries more current to void burn out or overheat of superconductor. Shunt which provides an enough heat sink can restrain the temperature rising of HTS section too fast.
Surgical strategies included: 23 cases with meso-caval shunt, 8 cases with splenectomy and spleno-renal vein shunt, 1 case with porta-caval shunt, 2 cases with paraumbilical vein-jugular vein shunt, 3 cases with portal azygous disconnection, 1 cases with splenectomy and portal azygous disconnection, 1 case with sigmoidostomy and closed the fistula of sigmoid six months later, 1 case with resection of part of small intestine due to acute extensive thrombosis of portal vein system, 4 cases with selective superior mesenteric artery and splenic artery thrombolytic infusion therapy, 2 cases remained no-surgical option and underwent conservative treatment.
METHODS Twelve hybrid canines with ARDS were randomized to two groups, and were connected to pumpless extracorporeal lung assist. In group A,the shunt was 25%,20%,15%,10% in turn.In group B,the shunt was 10%,15%,20%,25%. All shunts were continuous for 1 hour. The artery pressure, heart rate and pulmonary artery pressure were recorded in each shunt end before the next shunt beginning.
Introduced to be based on Simulink/SimMechanics module collect to undertake emulation the method of research to 3-PTT shunt-wound orgnaization, built emulation model, set each parameter, undertook this motion of shunt-wound orgnaization emulate, reached accurate result, use virtual reality kit realizes shunt-wound to 3-PTT orgnaization to move is fictitious emulate.
概要: 介绍了基于Simulink/SimMechanics模块集对3-PTT并联机构进行仿真探究的方法,建立了仿真模型,设置各项参数,进行了该并联机构的运动仿真,得出了正确的结果,并利用虚拟现实工具箱实现对3-PTT并联机构运动的虚拟仿真。
A diode shunt circuit or a diode with a series resistance shunt circuit is ideal for coil protection because no joule heating in the shunt during the excitation period.
Then every shunt points on the track circuit were checked that every shunt point shunt reliably, with no "dead section".
Molded Case Circuit Breaker Shunt Trip coil and often took part in undervoltage trip coil, Shunt trip coil is the voltage at 70%~ 110% off ...70%~ 110% reliable means of shunt voltage range of movement, 70% minimum, and more than 110% of the shunt itself may be burned ...
塑壳断路器往往有分励脱扣线圈和欠压脱扣线圈,分励脱扣线圈是电压在70%~110%时脱。。。 70%~110%指的分励可靠动作的电压范围,70%为最小值,而超过110%分励本身可能会烧坏。。。。
In chapter three, the passive vibration control of a smart cantilever beam with piezoelectric shunt damping system is studied theoretically. In this chapter, the mechanical impedance of piezoelectric shunt damping system is analyzed, and the parameters of the RLC piezoelectric shunt circuit are optimized via transfer function of the piezoelectric shunt damped beam in order to optimize the vibration damping effect.
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