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Results:(1) In neurogenic hypertension group, 22 (65%) of 34 cases showed neurovascular compression, 4 (12%) cases showed neurovascular contact, and 6 (18%) cases showed uncertain contact.
The result showed that the powder microelectrode with WC prepared in the CH4/H2 atmosphere showed better catalytic activity forα-nitronaphthalene electrochemical reduction. This result was mainly attributed to different post treatments and surface morphological structures of two types of WC powders. Moreover, the WC-PME with WC prepared in the CH4/H2 atmosphere showed good chemical stability.
Light microscope and transmission electron microscopy showed that SMMC-7721 cells induced by SAHA had undergone the restorational alteration in morphology and ultrastructure, which were different from those of nontreated cells but were similar to those of normal cells, and the changes were as follows: the cells turned to be flat and spread; the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio lessened and nuclear shape became rather regular; the number of nucleolus reduced and its volume lessened; euchromatin increased while heterochromatin decreased in nucleus; in the cytoplasm, mitochondria grew in number with relatively consistent structure and well-developed mitochondria cristae; Golgi complex turned to be well-developed and typical; rough endoplasmic reticulum increased. Immunocytochemistry assay showed that the expression of AFP and PCNA were declined significantly. FCM analysis showed SAHA could arrest SMMC-7721 cells in G0/G1 phase, with an accumulation of the cells in G0/G1 phase while a decrease of cells in S phase. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR detection revealed that the expression of p21WAFl mRNA was upregulated remarkably in the cells treated with SAHA.
结果:倒置显微镜和透射电镜观察显示,经SAHA处理的细胞增殖速度显著减慢,细胞体积增大,细胞核较小,形状较为规则,核仁数量减少、体积变小,核内常染色质增多而异染色质减少,核质比例减小,细胞质内线粒体数量增多、线粒体嵴发达,高尔基体较为典型,粗糙型内质网增多,呈现出与正常上皮细胞相似的形态变化;MTT比色法测定结果显示不同浓度(2.5、5.0、7.5、10.0uM)SAHA对SMMC-7721细胞的增殖均有抑制作用,并有明显的剂量依赖和时间依赖关系;免疫细胞化学检测显示SAHA能显著降低PCNA和AFP在SMMC-7721细胞中的表达;流式细胞仪检测结果显示,SMMC-7721细胞经SAHA处理后,G0/G1期细胞明显增加,S期细胞则明显减少,细胞被阻滞于G0/G1期;RT-PCR检测结果表明,SAHA作用12h后SMMC-7721细胞中p21WAF1 mRNA的表达即有增加,24h后更为明显。
Based on relative literatures,this part has included five resesearch aspects as below.1 Fifteen compounds were isolated and purified by extraction,column chromatography,and their structures were determined on the basis of spectral analysis: acteoside(Ⅰ-1),isoacteoside(Ⅰ-2),crenatoside(Ⅰ-3),cistanoside F(Ⅰ-4),sinapoyl-4-O-β-D-glucoside(Ⅰ-5),adenosine(Ⅰ-6),β-siterol(Ⅰ-7),oleanic acid(Ⅰ-8), succinic acid(Ⅰ-9),caffeic acid(Ⅰ-10),protocatechuic aldehyde(Ⅰ-11),p-hydro xybenzyl alcohol(Ⅰ-12),β-daucosterol(Ⅰ-13),D-galacitol(Ⅰ-14),D-mannitol(Ⅰ-15).Ⅰ-4~15 were obtained from this plant for the first time,andⅠ-6,7,9,and 13 were isolated from Orobanche genus for the first time.2 The scavenging test of DPPH showed that most compounds have comparative antioxidant activity as L-ascorbic acid and part of them show better activity such as the O.coerulescens extract and phenylethanoid glycosides.Acteoside showed potent free radical scavenging effects with a median inhibition concentration of 25.6μg/ml.3 The anti-HBV activities of acteoside,isoacteoside and crenatoside were measured,and all of them showed suppressive activity on the expression of HBsAg and HBeAg in the HepG2.2.15 cell line.
本论文在文献调研基础上对紫花列当化学成分及生物活性进行了研究,并从免疫抗病毒角度探讨紫花列当中特征性成分类叶升麻苷的肝保护作用及其机制。1采用大孔树脂、硅胶和Sephadex LH-20等色谱技术对紫花列当进行系统的植物化学研究,从中分离得到19个化合物,利用UV和NMR等波谱手段及理化性质鉴定了其中的15个化合物,分别为类叶升麻苷(Ⅰ-1)、异类叶升麻苷(Ⅰ-2)、crenatoside(Ⅰ-3)、cistanoside F(Ⅰ-4)、sinapoyl-4-O-β-D-glucoside(Ⅰ-5)、腺苷(Ⅰ-6)、β-谷甾醇(Ⅰ-7)、齐墩果酸(Ⅰ-8)、琥珀酸(Ⅰ-9)、咖啡酸(Ⅰ-10)、原儿茶醛(Ⅰ-11)、对羟甲基苯甲酸(Ⅰ-12)、β-胡萝卜苷(Ⅰ-13)、D-半乳糖醇(Ⅰ-14)和甘露醇(Ⅰ-15除化合物Ⅰ-1、Ⅰ-2和Ⅰ-3外,其余化合物均为首次从该植物中分离得到。2)通过大孔树脂富集该药材有效部位苯乙醇总苷,并采用HPLC测得其所含特征性成分类叶升麻苷的含量可达80%以上。3DPPH自由基清除试验显示紫花列当提取物及其所含的苯乙醇苷类化合物均具有较好的抗氧化能力,其清除DPPH自由基能力接近于抗坏血酸。4采用卡介苗整体致敏、脂多糖离体攻击构建大鼠原代肝细胞免疫性损伤模型,在体外观察类叶升麻苷的保肝作用。
TyPe II collagen induced arthritisln the rat ank1e joint andoVathumin as antigen induced arthritis WA in the rabbit knee joint wereestab1ish2 Qualitative evaluation of me in skin, muscle, synovium, cedilagearound joint and blood was performed by OMA3 The CIA rats were treated on day 7 after hind paw swelling and erythemaAnimals were injected intravenously with ase at a dose of 10mg/kg,tWenty minuots 1ater, one ankle of the rats random1y assigned was exPosedlaser irradiation at l00J/cm fOr l000 seconds, and another ankle wasM grouP wihout laser The other two groups is unmanipulatedcontrol group and untreated CIA group Bimaleolar ankle widthmeasuremellts were taken in all animals every tWo days using amicrometer The histopathology of the ank1e Joint was assessed at day 21after disease onset4 The pro1iferating cell nuclear antigen WCNA of CIA treated by PDT andthe HMME group without laser was doterdrined by immunohistochemiStry5 The AfA rabbits were treated on day 7 after knee swelling and erythemaThe theraPy invo1ved lntravenous injection of l0mg/kg HMME, fOl1owedby 20 minues period in dim light, and transdermal light treatment with\l00 J/cm2 fOr l000 seconds The inner sides of the treated Anees wereirradiated at first, and then the outer side did 24 hours later, the synovialtissue of the Anees joint were removed and in situ cel1 aPoptosis wasdetCCted With tednal deoxync1eotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nickend labelingR6suIt8:l The pathologic changes of CIA and AIA include subsynovial inflammation,opovial hyPerplasia, pannus formation, cartilage and bone destructionresemble RA.2 The studies demonstrated that there are different uptake of HMME withinskin, muscle, synovium, cartilage and b1ood, and the synovium cou1draPidly uPtake more ase than skin and cartilage at the firSt 30 minuesaller intravenous injection of HMME3 The bimaleolar anke width had no different among PDT treated group,H group withollt 1aser and untreated CIA group But hlstologicalevaluation showed statiStical1y significallt reductions in synovialhyperplasia, pannus formation and cart1lage reosion, bone destruction andtotal score in PDT treated group4 Image analysis showed that the ratlo bforeen the areas of the coufltedobect to that of the entire area in PDTtreated grOup is lower than that in conirol group, but the integrated oPticaldensity had no different between the two groups5 Imape analysis showed that the ratio between the area of the countedobject to that of the e
治疗组在大鼠出现踝关节红肿后1周,炎症达到高峰时进行PDT治疗。随机治疗大鼠一侧的踝关节,另。2。一一侧作单纯HMME 对照。治疗方法是大鼠麻醉后尾静脉注入 HMME10ngkg,20分钟后踝关节照光,激光波长627.sum,功率密度 100mwcm',照射时间1000秒,能量密度100)/。治疗后避光喂养72 小时。隔日一次测量大鼠的踝关节左右横径,治疗后两周取关节进行病理d 观察。 4。大鼠CIA模型用上述方法进行PDT治疗后,治疗组和单纯HMME 组用兔疫组化SP法检测石蜡切片的核增殖抗原。 5。兔AIA模型在关节炎出现第七天进行PDT治疗,随机治疗一侧膝关节,另一侧作自身对照。兔耳静脉注入I'arrainrelomg/Kg,20分钟后,膝关节用金蒸气激光照射,激光能量密度100)儿旷。24 /J'时后取膝关节滑膜作病理检查,并用脱氧核昔酸末端转移酶介导的缺口末端标记法原位检测凋亡细胞。结果: 1。模型观察:CIA大鼠炎症高峰期滑膜下炎细胞浸润明显,滑膜细胞明显增殖,炎症达到高峰后二周,血管缀形成,并侵蚀和破坏软骨和骨, CIA模型病理改变与人类RA相似。兔AIA模型膝关节滑膜病理可见滑膜细胞增生,滑膜下炎细胞浸润,也与人类RA滑膜改变相似。 2。关节周围组织中光敏剂含量的测定结果表明,各组织对HMME 的吸收速度和吸收量不同,荧光值一时间曲线不同,滑膜组织比皮肤和软骨对 HMME的吸收多,在 2 0分钟时即有明显差异。 3.PDT对CIA模型的治疗结果表明:PDT治疗后关节炎组、单纯 HMME组和治疗组踝关节左右横径统计学检验差异没有显著性,但病理评分PDT治疗组滑膜增生、血管资形成及软骨破坏、骨破坏和总分比关节炎对照组和HMME对照组好,统计学检验差异有显著性。。3_军医进修学院硕士学位论文中文摘要 4.PDT治疗组PCNA阳性细胞较对照组少,图像分析结果表明面密度(阳性染色的面积总和与统计视野面积的比值)治疗组小于对照组,统计学检验差异有显著性。。 5.PDT治疗组凋亡阳性细胞较对照组明显增多,图像分析结果单位视野内阳性细胞数和面密度PDT治疗组高于对照组,统计学检验差异有显著性。凋亡细胞核直径PDT治疗组较小,与对照组相比,统计学检验差异有显著性。结论:二。CIA、AIA的病理改变类似人类RA,可作为研究RA病因、发病机制、检查及治疗方法的模型。 2。各组织对HMME的吸收速度和吸收量不同,滑膜组织比皮。
The periostea of both experimental and control side of the mandibular ramus were taken and prepared, 2 of each 5 rabbits in a group were prepared for HE stain detection and 3 for proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunohistochemical detection.Results:1, The newly formed bone was detected on the lateral aspect of mandibular ramus after periosteal distraction. The bone was shaped like a hill. It looked very low and was full of holes at postoperative day 28. With the time of consolidation period lengthened, the newly formed bone matured gradually. X-ray examination showed the new bone shaped like a hill. The average values of new bone height at postoperative days 28,35,42 and 56 were 1.86 + 0.15mm, 2.29 + 0.29mm,3.19 + 0.13mm and 4.70 + 0.45mm. Histological examination of both HE stain and picricacid-fuchsin stain showed the increase in the number of osteoblasts and the change in the orientation of collagen fibers and bone trabecula. There were no significant differences between newly formed bone and original bone on the lateral aspect of mandibular ramus at postoperative day 56 histologically.2 Compared with the control side, the distracted periostea proliferated obviously under the microscope, and the number of periostealcells increased with satiation of cellular nuclear per unit area. The images of PCNA immunohistochemical stain of periosteum showed that the experimental periosteum proliferated obviously after distraction compared with the control side.
结果:骨膜牵张成骨的实验研究南京医科大学硕{学位论文l、骨膜牵张后,可见下领升支外侧的骨皮质上有新骨形成,新骨呈山峰状凸起,术后第28天的新生骨较低平,多孔隙,随着固定时间的延长,新骨逐渐成熟;下领升支前后向切线位X线投照显示新骨呈山峰样隆起;经测量,术后第28、35、42和56天组平均新生骨厚度分别为x.86士0.15mm、2.29士0.29mm、3.19士0.13mm和4.70 土0.45mm;脱钙骨组织的HE染色和不脱钙骨组织的苦味酸一品红染色的组织学观察均显示了新生骨在成骨细胞数量上的增长,以及胶原纤维和骨小梁排列方向上的变化,术后第56天的新生骨在组织学上与原升支骨组织已无明显区别。2、HE染色显示,与对照组相比较,实验侧骨膜增生明显,细胞间排列紧密,单位面积内骨膜细胞数增多,细胞核饱满;骨膜PCNA 免疫组化染色显示,与对照侧相比较,实验侧骨膜在牵张后出现了明显的增生迹象,PCNA阳性细胞分布紧密,单位面积内阳性细胞数较对照组多,靠近骨表面的骨膜中的阳性细胞数更多而且分布更为紧密。
Results: Human stem cells were successfully transplanted into 6 fetal sheep and 5 lambs were born and lived. PCR analysis showed that there was human derived cell engraftment in the liver of the 5 lambs. Immunohistochemical staining and ISH with Alu probe showed human derived hepatocytes in the lobes or around periportal area, expressing albumin and CR18. Alu ISH also showed there were positive cells in the epithelia of bile duets.
结果:在移植的 6 只胎羊中,5 只顺利生产;PCR 检测显示 5 只实验羊肝脏组织中均有人源性细胞的嵌合:免疫组化及 Alu 探针原位杂交显示人源性细胞分布於门管区周围和肝小叶中,表达白蛋白、CK18 等肝细胞分化标志;Alu 探针阳胜细胞也分布於胆管上皮中。
Results The ultrasonic examination of tuberculosis hydrothorax showed that hydrothorax in thoracic cavity had no echo zone with clear sound transparent;pleura was thickened uniformly;opaque dark area of fluid had no parenchymatous phyma.Ultrasonic examination of cancerous hydrothorax showed that hydrothorax in thoracic cavity had no echo zone filled with full of thin light spots;sound transparent was not very clear;pleura showed uniform thickening;opaque dark area of fluid had parenchymatous uniform phyma.
结果 结核性胸腔积液超声检查显示胸腔内胸腔积液无回声区透声清,胸膜均匀性增厚,液性暗区内未见实质性肿块;癌性胸腔积液超声检查显示胸腔内胸腔积液无回声区内充满细小光点,透声欠清,胸膜多呈非均匀性增厚,液性暗区内可见有实质非均质性肿块。
The result showed that the influence of temperature and RH on average price and rate of first class of flue-cured tobacco was similar, which showed a trend of parabola curve with temperature or RH increasing. The maximum value of average price occur at 38.0℃ and 87.0%, the maximum value of the rate of first class occur at 37.6℃ and 86.5%. The result also showed that when the temperature or RH was in the range of 37.5℃ to 38.0℃ or 85.0% to 88.0%, psychrometric difference was 1.5~2.0℃, the average price and rate of first class would exceed 10 yuan per kg and 40% respectively.
结果表明:变黄阶段不同温湿度组合对均价及上等烟率的影响基本相似,温度对二者的影响大于相对湿度;均价及上等烟率随温度或相对湿度的升高而均呈迅速上升→缓慢上升→缓慢下降→迅速下降的变化趋势,均价的峰值分别出现在38.0℃和87.0%,上等烟率的峰值分别出现在37.6℃和86.5%;此外研究结果还得出:当温度恒定在37.5℃~ 38.0℃,相对湿度恒定在85.0%~ 88.0%,干湿球差为1.5℃~ 2.0℃时,均价、上等烟率分别可达到10元/kg和40%以上。
Results:①The amount of human colon carcinoma cell line SW480 treated by quercetin decreased. The morphology of partial SW480 cells was shrunk volume, integrated cell membrane, condensed cytoplasm, pyknotic chromatin, nuclear fragmentation. Apoptotic Corpuscles were found by electron microscope.②MTT colorimetric assay showed quercetin inhibited the growth of human colon carcinoma cell line SW480 in a time- and dose-dependent manner when the concentration of quercetin was 30、60、90μmol/L.③Flow cytometry analysis showed the cell cycle of SW480 cell was restricted in G1/S. G0/G1 phase rate increased and S phase rate decreased with increasing concentration of quercetin and time lasting.④ Zymogram analysis assay showed the secretion of matrix metalloproteinases in human colon carcinoma cell line SW480 treated by quercetin decreased. With increasing concentration of quercetin, the secretion of MMP-2 and MMP-9 decreased.⑤Immunohistochemistry method demonstrated the position expression of Cathepsin-D in SW480 cell was suppressed by quercetin in a time- and dose-dependent manner.
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