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As showed in Fig.1, the diagrammed stress of short time endurance test forAs showed in Fig.1, the diagrammed stress of short time endurance test for500 hours at 565℃on welded-joint of T91-F12 is 240MPa. Considering the℃on welded-joint of T91-F12 is 240MPa. Considering thedispersity of±20%, stress of check test for 500 hours is 192MPa. The result±20%, stress of check test for 500 hours is 192MPa. The resultof short time endurance test for 500 hours at 565of short time endurance test for 500 hours at 565℃on T91-X20CrMoV121℃on T91-X20CrMoV121welded-joints is showed in Tab.5. The result shows that the short timewelded-joints is showed in Tab.5. The result shows that the short timeendurance stress of weldedendurance stress of welded-joints with two procedures at 565℃for 500 hours-joints with two procedures at 565℃for 500 hoursboth above 192MPa, and meet the requirement.both above 192MPa, and meet the requirement.

依据图1,对T91-F12 焊接接头 565℃温度下的短时持久性能 500 小时考核试验依据图1,对T91-F12 焊接接头 565℃温度下的短时持久性能 500 小时考核试验的图示应力值应为 240MPa,按照持久强度试验数据的±20%的分散度,取 500的图示应力值应为 240MPa,按照持久强度试验数据的±20%的分散度,取 500小时考核试验应力值为 192MPa.T91-X20CrMoV121 焊接接头 565℃、500 小时小时考核试验应力值为 192MPa.T91-X20CrMoV121 焊接接头 565℃、500 小时短时持久考核试验试验结果见表5 ,试验结果表明,两种工艺条件下的焊接接头短时持久考核试验试验结果见表5 ,试验结果表明,两种工艺条件下的焊接接头565℃温度下的短时持久性能,500 小时的持久断裂应力均高于 192MPa,结果符565℃温度下的短时持久性能,500 小时的持久断裂应力均高于 192MPa,结果符合要求。

The excretory MRU show that:(1)The ureter invasioned by colon carcinoma showed : 7 ureters gradually irregular constriction, 3 showed abruptly narrow or interrupt; 8 ureters were encysted partly by neoplasm and 2 were completely, 2 ureters showed inter-cavity filling defect.(2)pelvis and bladder invasioned by tumor showed local vessel wall thickening, the interspace with the tumor was disappearance, or inter-cavity filling defect.


Biochemical indicator such as TG and SF were unregulated while 1 system or 2 system reduced in peripheral blood; Bone marrow hyperplasia showed active or active obviously. Complete morphological nucleated cells mature erythrocytes or platelet hemophagocytic cells were found in 100% marrow slides. Marrow hemophagocytic cells were quantified as 0.5 to 11 per micro liter Median 4.2 per micro liter. Phagocytes showed smaller size single nucleus on one side. Submitting as rings cell plasm showed gray or salmon pink and cell showed disorder fringes.

结果: 符合HPS者30例诊断为HPS早期21例;HPS早期有持续高热峰值≥38.5 ℃、发热期≥4天发病与感染相关;以病毒感染最多见,生化指标TG增高、SF增高;外周血细胞一系或二系减低;骨髓增生活跃或明显活跃,骨髓片(100%)找到吞噬了完整形态的有核细胞、成熟红细胞或血小板的噬血细胞骨髓噬血细胞0.5-11个/ul中位数4.2个/ul吞噬细胞体积偏小多为单个核核偏一侧,可呈印戒样,胞浆灰兰或淡红色,细胞边缘不整齐。

Biochemical indicator such as TG and SF were unregulated while 1 system or 2 system reduced in peripheral blood; Bone marrow hyperplasia showed active or active obviously. Complete morphological nucleated cells mature erythrocytes or platelet hemophagocytic cells were found in 100% marrow slides. Marrow hemophagocytic cells were quantified as 0.5 to 11 per micro liter Median 4.2 per micro liter. Phagocytes showed smaller size single nucleus on one side. Submitting as rings cell plasm showed gray or salmon pink and cell showed disorder fringes.

结果: 符合HPS者30例诊断为HPS早期21例;HPS早期有持续高热峰值≥38.5 ℃、发热期≥4天发病与感染相关;以病毒感染最多见,生化指标TG增高、SF增高;外周血细胞一系或二系减低;骨髓增生活跃或明显活跃,骨髓片(100%)找到吞噬了完整形态的有顾细胞、成熟红细胞或血小板的噬血细胞骨髓噬血细胞0.5-11个/ul中位数4.2个/ul吞噬细胞体积偏小多为单个核核偏一侧,可呈印戒样,胞浆灰兰或淡红色,细胞边缘不整齐。

TheEEG results were all abnormal, 9 cases showed periodic threephase wave. Among 5 cases MRI diffusion-weighing pictures, 3 cases showed abnormal high signal in both cortexes, 1 case showed abnormal high signal in basal part and cortex. 1 of 4 cases CSF 14-3-3 protein tests showed positive.


The relationship between biomass and succession gradient also showed unimodel pattern: y=-8.7647χ^2+86.696χ+67.14 (R^2=0.6164). As for functional groups of life form, annual plants showed decreasing trend in the community, perennial grass showed increasing tendency, while sedges and perennial forbs both showed increasing tendency, in which the increasing extend for sedges slowly and for grasses sharply.


With the increase of establishment years, most of plant communities on the grasslands showed a "V" type change trend in their quantities, i.e., high-low-high, hut the forbs biomass had a "Λ" type change trend and the sedge biomass increased gradually. Soil nutrients presented a "V" type hut soil hulk density presented a "Λ" type change trend, bile soil pH presented a decreasing trend. Most of soil microbial physiological groups and microbial biomass carbon showed a "V" type change trend, phosphorus-dissolving bacteria showed a "Λ" type change trend, denitrifying bacteria decreased gradually, while cellulose-decomposing bacteria showed an increasing trend.


The results of its intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence phase diagram showed that when the guanidine hydrochloride concentration in denaturation solution was about 1.0 mol/L, there existed a partially folded intermediate of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens a-amylase during its unfolding procedure, which followed a three-state model; the result of its fluorescence probe showed that when the guanidine hydrochloride concentration in denaturation solution was about 1.0 mol/L, there existed some stable hydrophobic regions, which could interact with a hydrophobic reagent 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid, in the partially folded intermediate of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens a-amylase; and the results of fluorescence quenching using acrylamide and potassium iodide as quenchers showed the distribution of Trp residues in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens a-amylase in different denaturation solution, with the maximum number (8) of tryptophan residues in a partially folded intermediate Bacillus amyloliquefaciens a-amylase molecule could be quenched by potassium iodide; and the results of their protein electrophoresis and SEC showed that no aggregate or aggregate precipitation of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens a-amylase formed during the whole unfolding procedure of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens a-amylase induced by guanidine hydrochloride.

内源荧光光谱和荧光相图结果表明,当变性液中盐酸胍浓度约为1.0 mol/L时,芽孢杆菌a-淀粉酶的去折叠过程中出现一个部分折叠中间体,其去折叠过程符合&三态模型&;荧光探针结果表明,在溶液中盐酸胍浓度约为1.0 mol/L时,中间态芽孢杆菌a-淀粉酶分子中存在着能够与探针分子1-苯胺基-8-萘磺酸结合的稳定的疏水区域;荧光猝灭研究给出了不同程度变性的淀粉液化芽孢杆菌a-淀粉酶中的Trp的分布情况,结果表明中间态芽孢杆菌a-淀粉酶分子中能够被碘化钾猝灭的位于分子表面的色氨酸残基数目达到最大的8个;蛋白电泳和体积排阻色谱结果表明,在盐酸胍诱导的芽孢杆菌a-淀粉酶分子的整个去折叠过程中,不会以共价键或非共价键形式形成芽孢杆菌a-淀粉酶分子之间的集聚体或集聚体沉淀。

Histologically, the seminiferous tubules contained numerous Sertoli cells and more Sertoli-spermatozoa complexes, accompanied by the depletion of Leydig cells with deeply stained nuclei. Mature spermatozoa were stored up in the epididymis, but only a few in the efferent ducts. In the second place was testicular atrophy(32/120; 26.7%). The seminiferous tubules showed moderate to severe inactivity of spermiogenesis with evidence of only spermatogonia, spermatocytes and Sertoli cells. The Leydig cells were obviously decreased in numbers associated with decrease of lipid droplets in their cytoplasms. Testicular hypoplasia was the third disorders(22/120; 18.3%). Only a few spermatogonia and Sertoli cells appeared without any spermiogenesis. The associated changes was decreased in Leydig cells and fibrous hyperplasia in the interstitium.Epididymal stones were sometimes found(12/120; 10%). Grossly, yellowish-white nodules with various sizes and firm in consistency were observed in the epididymis and the front efferent ducts. Microscopically, the epididymal ducts were dilated with voluminous spermatozoa storage, even showed calcification in severe cases. The deposited calcium salts were stained positively by Von Kossa and Alizarin red methods.Amyloidosis was also detected in 10 roosters(8.3%). Eosinophilic, homogeneous, amyloid-like substances were deposited mainly in the testicular interstitium and the periphery of blood vessels. These substances showed positive reaction by Congo red staining. Five roosters(4.2%)had Marek's lesions in the testis, epididymis and peripheral nerves with infiltration of pleomorphic lymphocytes. Only one case showed epithelial necrosis of seminiferous tubules accompanied by fibrous proliferation in the interstitium.

结果发现,在总共搜集的120个病例中,其中因年老所导致的产精力不佳为最多,占38例(31.7%),於镜下可见大量精虫黏附於Sertoli cell的表面,并可见Sertoli cell数量明显增多而Leydig cell明显减少,且其细胞核呈现浓染的现象,而在其副睪中仍可见到成熟精虫蓄留於管腔中,但在其输精管内却只有少量精虫存在;其次为睪丸萎缩,占32例(26.7%),镜下可见中度至重度无造精作用,其生精小管中只见到精母细胞、精原细胞及Sertoli cell存在,但Leydig cell数量明显减少且其细胞质内的脂质也明显减少;睪丸发育不全,占22例(18.3%),於生精小管内只见到精母细胞及少量Sertoli cell存在,不见造精细胞分化,於生精小管间质可见Leydig cell减少并伴随结缔组织增生;副睪结石,占12例(10%),肉眼下可在副睪及输精管前段见到黄白色大小不一的结节,触感坚硬,於镜下可见副睪管扩张并有大量成熟精虫蓄积,严重时可见钙化现象,以Von Kossa及茜素红染色均呈阳性反应;类淀粉沉著症,占10例(8.3%),镜下在睪丸间质及血管周围可见粉红均质样的物质沉积,以刚果红染色成阳性反应;马立克病,占5例(4.2%),镜下可在睪丸、副睪实质及周边神经内均可见到嗜碱性大小不一的淋巴样细胞浸润;睪丸坏死,占1例(0.8%),镜下可见生精小管上皮细胞坏死脱落及间质结缔组织增生。

Null mutant Δmnh6 produced appeared offwhite hyphae, showed reduction in growth, conidiation and appressorium formation, and also showed reduction in appressorium turgor pressure. And the hyphae were more readily wettable by a solution containing SDS and EDTA and more easily digested by fungal cell-wall-digesting enzymes. The appressoria produced by Δmnh6 mutants showed diminished host penetration and the infectious hyphae of Δmnh6 mutants showed reduced in planta growth. Targeted deletion of mnh6 resulted in the greatly reduced virulence capacity to barley and rice CO39 in infection assays.


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I Am Everything That's Normal
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A new general kinetic equation was derived in which the effect of the removal of condensation water was taken into account completely, and was applied to the polyesterification kinetic study of AA/HPHP and AA/NPG. It was found that the reaction order of self-catalyzed polyesterification was not constant. For these polyesterifications, the reaction order was 2.5 at a low temperature, while 3.0 at a high temperature.


But with the development of industry, the proletariat not only increases in number; it
