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The fundamental imaging features of osteosarcoma were showed bone destruction, periosteal reaction, neoplastic bone and soft-tissue mass. Among 49 cases examined by radiography, osteoblastic pattern sarcoma was found in 19 cases, osteolytic pattern sarcoma was found in 13 cases and mixed pattern sarcoma was found in 17 cases. The detection rates of bone destruction, periosteal reaction, soft-tissue mass, neoplastic bone and Codman triangle by radiography were respectively 61.2%, 95.9%, 71.4%, 73.5%and 27.7%. All 10 cases with CT scan were showed bone destruction, soft - tissue mass and neoplastic bone. The detection rates of periosteal reaction,憇ieve sign挶 and Codman triangle with CT scan were respectively 90%, 90% and 11%. The tiny neoplastic bone and"sieve sign"were showed sensitively by CT, but Codman triangle was showed by radiography superior to CT.32 cases with MRI scan presented the normal marrow was replaced by the tumor, which was showed low to intermediate signal intensity on T1-weighted images and promiscuity signal intensity on T2-weighted images. 7 cases presented hemorrhage and 24 cases presented necrosis.
Nested PCR analysis and southern hybridization analysis showed that no polymorphism between H.villosa, Pm97034 and susceptible parent Wan7 107 was detected with the clones from 6VS arm, whereas three clones from H.villosa genome DNA: RH42, RH55, and RH66 showed polymorphism. RGA6 cloned from H.villosa genome DNA was characterized identity to NBS, and show high homology to resistance genes as RPM1 and RPP13 in Arabiadopsis, LRR19 in wheat, and I2C-1 in tomato.cDNA library constructed from T.aestivum-H.villosa translocation line Pm97034 was screened by hybridization with RGA6. Four positive cDNA clones were obtained. R3-2-2 showing 60-90% identity with eukaryotic sulfite oxidases contained an open reading frame of 647bp encoding 140 amino acid, and contained a conserved Moco-dimer domain in the ORF. R6-2-2 showed an ORF containing an Euk-porin domain of 279aa with 20-40% identity to the eukaryotic voltage-dependent anion channel proteins. R8-1-1 showed a complete ORF of 1810bp encoding 493aa with 80-90% identity to plant catalases. R9-1-1 showed an ORF containing a BTB/POZ conserved domain of 204aa with 30-70% identity to pox virus and zinc finger proteins. R3-2-2 and R9-1-1 were the first cDNA clones containingconserved domain of SO and POZ respectively isolated from wheat. R8-1-1 contained a complete ORF with 81% identity to Cat-3. Aspects of the role of R8-1-1 may be same with Cat-3, and it would offer the opportunity for improvement of stress tolerance of wheat.
以RGA6为探针,筛选用抗白粉病小麦—簇毛麦易位系Pm97034构建的cDNA文库,得到了4个阳性克隆。R3-2-2与动植物的亚硫酸氧化酶(sulfite oxidase,SO)有60~90%的同源性,长度为647bp,编码140个氨基酸,具有开放阅读框并含有保守域Moco-dimer.R6-2-2与真核生物的VDAC(voltage-dependent anion chennel)蛋白有20~40%的同源性,长度为1047bp,编码279aa,是一个不完整的开放阅读框,预测结构具有Euk-porin结构域。R8-1-1与植物中已经克隆的过氧化氢酶有80~90%的同源性,长度为1810bp,编码493aa,具有完整的开放阅读框和过氧化氢氧化酶保守域。R9-1-1与动植物的POZ(pox virus and zinc finger protein)蛋白有30~70%的同源性,长度为1446bp,具有开放阅读框和BTB/POZ保守域。R3-2-2与R9-1-1是首次从小麦中克隆到的具有SO和POZ保守域的cDNA序列。R8-1-1具有完整的开放阅读框,与玉米Cat-3基因具有81%同源性,预测R8-1-1可能具有与Cat-3类似的功能,可为转基因小麦抗逆育种提供新的基因。
Single factor experiments were done with the factors including the width of protrusion and the trolley's velocity, which showed that the surface frictional coefficient decreases with the width of protrusion increasing, and doesn't change with the trolley's velocity changing, which was consistent with the results of the orthogonal experiment. A theoretical model of the horizontal projection of a corrugated bionic surface's contact area was built, which showed that the contact area's horizontal projection decreases with width and interval increasing respectively and that the ratio of the contact area's horizontal projection and the vertical load decreases with the vertical load increasing. It indicated that the surface frictional coefficient decreases with the above three factors increasing respectively. Finite element modeling and analysis of interactions of a plate and soils was done using ANSYS, which showed that the plate frictional coefficient is little relative to soil elastic modulus and decreases with vertical surface pressure and that trolley's pull and vertical displacement of bionic surface's control pilot keep constant almost during the plate being pulled. Finite element modeling and analysis of interactions of a corrugated bionic surface and soils was done using ANSYS, which showed that surface frictional coefficient is little relative to soil elastic modulus and decreases with bionic surface's structural parameters and vertical pressure increasing. However, the three factors all didn't affect the surface frictional coefficient remarkably on the condition of 90% dependability. For the first time, bionic surfaces were applied to screw piles, which formed bionic screw piles, and the contrast experiments showed the bionic screw pile had certain resistance-decreasing effects.
The animal model of this method system have, the characteristics of the high fat, high leptin, high Ins, and match with the characteristic of clinical and the pathologic of simple obesity. This studies showed: The acupuncture can obviously reduce the vaule of intaking food and water of the fat rats, and lower the body weight and fat; The acupuncture can urge the diameter, area, physical volume of white fat cell contract, Brown fat tissue of fat rat group surroundings vascular containing large quantity of white fat cell, the acupuncture group was less. this showed: The acupuncture enhanced the white fat cell metabolism, and promotesed the white fat cell to convert to brown fat cell; The frequency of spontaneous electric of nerve cell of pvn of the fat rat is high, the acupuncture counld depress the spontaneous electric of nerve cell of pvn, This showed: the acupuncture can depress the appetite passing to adjust function of pvn nerve; The monoaminergic neurotransmitter of inside of the fat rat brain is disfunction, the acupuncture can rectify this disfunction, and adjust level of 5-HT, and affect appetite, and improve metabolism; The level of leptin and Ins of fat rat increased high, The level of it of acupuncture group decreased, compared with the fat group p.001, This showed: the fat rats have the defeat of leptin and Ins in the body, The acupuncture can lowering this defeat, The level of leptin and Ins of the fat rat in the brain is less than the normal group, The level of leptin of the acupuncture group is high than the fat group, This showed: the acupuncture can increase the transportation of leptin from blood to brain.
RESULTS:① No obvious sight defect was detected with the quantitative detection of automatic sight apparatus.② ECT cerebrospinal fluid imaging thought that proximal frontal sinus of right cerebral frontal lobe was the leakage, and the liquid glucose in nasal cavity was quantitatively confirmed to be cerebrospinal fluid.③ Cranial CT showed that cleft could be observed in bilateral frontal lobe and lateral ventricle, low-density gas shadow could be observed in cisterna ambiens, cortex of frontal bone was discontinuous, and bone matrix was trapped.④ ECG showed that right forehead and temple had irregular slow wave, and attack of θ wave. Brain topographic mapping showed that the δ power value of right forehead was increased.⑤ EPQ: The scores of extraversion-introversion, neuroticism, psychoticism and lie were 55, 55, 80 and 50 respectively;⑥ MMPI: The code showed a mode of 69/96, indicating that the brain organ tended to paranoid schizophrenia.
1、Neural network correlated with LIFG and RIFG exists in normal subjects in resting-state,which might be the neural foundation in retaining the normal language function;2、The left fusiform gyrus,bilateral medial frontal gyrus and right anterior cingulum in aphasia patients after stroke showed low degree correlation,that might be one of the mechanisms of aphasia;3、The brain regions showed positive correlation with RIFG in aphasia patients only exist in right hemisphere in resting-state as well as which exist in bilateral hemisphere in normal subjects,suggested that RIFG is out of correlation with the left hemisphere in aphasia patients;4、The left thalamus showed positive correlation with RIFG only in normal subjects, inferred that the left thalamus might be an important mesomerism structure in the correlation of bilateral hemisphere;5、Left insula showed stronger positive correlation with RIFG in normal subjects than that in aphasia patients,suggested that dominant hemisphere insula is important in retaining in normal language function.
Among all 9 cases, 8 showed necrosis or cystic changes, none showed hemorrhage and invasion of adjacent bone, but 3 showed adjacent blood vessel encasement and 1 showed tumor thrombosis in the adjacent vein.
Of these, 9 showed direct extramural spread, 4 showed continuous intramural spread, 5 showed distant spread separated from the primary tumor, and 4 showed spread of cancer cells from metastatic lymph nodes.
在这些病例中,9例壁外转移, 4例壁内连续性转移, 5例远处转移, 4例癌细胞淋巴结转移。
Resultsthe iop of 19 eyes (20.7%) were higher than 2.8 kpa (21 mmhg), of which, 14 eyes returned to normal seven days after 0.5% timolol administration, two eyes returned to normal after two months. three eyes showed high iop two months after injection. after combination therapy, the iop of one eye was still at 3.47-4.67 kpa (26-35 mmhg), eight eyes showed aqueous flare one day after ta injection, but the symptom disappeared the next day. two eyes showed hypopyon and vitreous opacity. with systemic and local antibiotic, the inflammation disappeared after one week. three eyes showed retinal hemorrhage.
结果 92只眼中,术后眼压高者19只眼,给予5 g/l噻吗洛尔眼液点眼,7 d后14只眼眼压恢复正常;2只眼控制在4 kpa以下,持续用药2个月后降至正常;3只眼眼压在注药后2个月才出现高眼压,联合用药后1只眼眼压仍在3.47~4.67 kpa.8只眼术后第1天出现前房闪辉,第2天消失。2只眼术后第1天出现前房积脓,玻璃体腔混浊,经局部及全身抗炎治疗,局部应用复方托吡卡安散瞳,1周后炎症消退。3只眼术后第1天发现视网膜局部小片状出血。
The osteoid osteoma was found to have a circular or oval radiolucency which was less than 2 cm in diameter with different degrees of bone sclerosis around the nidus. Of the 9 cases, 5 showed an irregular area with less density on plain X-ray film. CT scanning showed nidus in all cases. MRI showed nidus in 1 case. Radioactive scanning showed radioactive concentration in 4 cases.
骨样骨瘤的影像学表现为一圆形或卵圆形的透亮区,直径cm,其周围有不同程度的骨质硬化。9例X线平片仅5例发现不规则密度减低区,9例CT均清楚显示病灶瘤巢; 1例MRI也观察到类似瘤巢的改变。4例同位素检查均表现为病变区核素浓聚现象。
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