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与 short-circuiting 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the assumptions of the potential energy in the adiabatic process and extreme short time (.5 × 10-23s), he calculated the neutron output and energy.


But many—perhaps most—Americans fall short, according to research by epidemiologist Adit Ginde, MD, at the University of Colorado , Denver.

但是根据流行病学家美国丹佛科罗拉多州大学的Adit Ginde的调查证明,事实上,很多,可能大多数美国人都缺少。

It seemed that segments must be short enough so that any curve that developed would be well defined, i.e., there should be some maximum angle between adjacent segments, perhaps 0.1 radians.

它 看来,部分必须太长,从而使任何曲线,发达国家将是很好的界定,也就是说,应该有一些最大角相邻部分,也许0.1弧度。

Hit double lever ball to need to have two him ball or one ball (2, 3) close suitably, build ace ball to need one party ball to be short of date and the around that lack number group of cement of safety of ball of two adjacent date, and hit edge ball to need his ball supply only however.


This short adjournment lasted about two hours, they met off the floor to discuss this a little bit more in person.


However , In recent years .with the adjudgment of industrial policy and the short of second-string exsistent problem and actuality of the devolepment of coal industry of Fuyuan.


Administrative assistant to an executive where short-hand and typing skills will be assets .


In group 2 the short admonition in ix.

第2组短期告诫在九。22 et seq。

But he found eight-year-olds as tall as 13-year-olds, and boys of ten who weighed twice as much as others the same age. This distribution was viewed by the 19th-century Belgian mathematician Adolphe Quetelet as God's "curve of error", as if the tall and the short were deviations from a correctly proportioned "homme moyen", or average man.

但他的调查也显示:一些8岁儿童同13岁的一样高,一些10岁儿童比同龄重一倍。19世纪的比利时数学家Adolephe Quelet将此情况视为上帝的"错误曲线"——过高和过矮好比是对正常身高的偏离。

Gustavus Adolphus (they call him "Gusty" down-stairs for short) is a very good sort of dog when he is in the middle of a large field or on a fairly extensive common, but I won't have him indoors.


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The Short Weekend Begins With Longing
Life's Too Short To Love This Fast
Short Sweet Ride
Astronaut: A Short History Of Nearly Nothing
Another Year: A Short History Of Almost Something
Cute Boys With Short Haircuts
A Little Short Of Love
Don't Sell Me Short
Short Of The World
Short Short

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
