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In fact a lot of disease-causing bacteria in the outbreak of infection only in a very short period of time in the human body to survive a very short period of time.


Leaves opposite, usually in many pairs; stipules small; petioles short, connate at base, forming a short sheath; leaf blade elliptic, ovate-elliptic, or elliptic-lanceolate, margin serrate, with 1 gland at serrate tip.


In the 1:250000 regional geological mapping of Yumenzhen, the authors studied deformation feldspar by long-short axis measurement method, compared with the deformation gravel, deformation amygdale, deformation relict long-short axis measurement, then found the both measurements were similar to deformation axis. It has been proved that deformation feldspar can be studied as to an area deformation characteristic of Yumenzhen.


His life was very short, only a short period of 33 springs and autumns, but he has left an indelible signature in literature ideology and politics.


The results of continuous experiments with BAF show that: the short nitrification occurs when the Qair/Qinfluent ratio is 4:1 with NO_2~--N accounting for 72% of NOx--N; the suitable recirculation rate is 200%; the ratio of external acetate dose to NH4+-N concentration is 2:1 attributing to the short nitrification; BAF needs being backwashed when the headloss increases to 6 cm every 17~20 days; in the water reuse context, 98.7% water yield can be obtained.Lastly, the long-term operation of SBR-BAF system indicates it can treat the wastewater efficiently.

BAF反应器连续流试验结果表明:最佳气水比为4:1,硝化类型以短程硝化为主,NO_2~--N占到NOx--N的72%;综合考虑对TN的去除率和动力消耗,最佳回流比为200%;最佳缺氧/好氧容积比为3:5;由于短程反硝化较全程反硝化碳源需求量低,在BAF反应器进水NH4+-N 40mg/L左右的情况下,乙酸钠投加量为80mg/L以COD计设定水头损失达到6cm时进行反冲洗,随水温不同,反冲洗周期为17~20d,产水率为98.7%。

Life can not be heavy, the length of life are still unknown, but we can control is the content of life, the quality of life is the quality of life, life is the width, not-mediocre yung pursuit of life, even if only long again a no value blotters, has performed poorly as Jiaoqu, and fighting progressive enrichment fullness of life, even a very short is a fresh Meaningful Short Poems, meaning deep bang.


Results The length change of the long axis was smaller than the absolute value of the length change of the short axis in the coup site air bubble; the length change of the long axis was bigger than the absolute value of the length change of the short axis in the contrecoup site air bubble.

结果 撞击点处的气泡在短轴方向上的轴长变化大于长轴方向上的轴长变化,对冲点处的气泡在短轴方向上的轴长变化小于长轴方向上的轴长变化。

Diazepam is usually the drug of choice, given in single doses for very short or short courses.

地西泮( 1苯二氮类),通常是药物的选择,由于在单剂量很短或短期课程。

But the most astounding developments were in America and Britain. The Fed doubled the amount of money available to banks on a short-term basis to $900 billion and announced that it would buy unsecured commercial paper directly from corporate borrowers. More surprisingly, Gordon Brown's government, hitherto the ditherer par excellence, produced the first systemic plan for dealing with the crisis, not just providing capital and short-term loans to banks but also offering to guarantee new debt for up to three years.


But this theory is dubious: if, over time, short men are known to overcompensate for their smallness by being aggressive, surely taller men, annoyed with being duffed up by short, inadequate blokes, will themselves turn aggressive so they don't get picked on so much, thus confounding the theory.


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The Short Weekend Begins With Longing
Life's Too Short To Love This Fast
Short Sweet Ride
Astronaut: A Short History Of Nearly Nothing
Another Year: A Short History Of Almost Something
Cute Boys With Short Haircuts
A Little Short Of Love
Don't Sell Me Short
Short Of The World
Short Short

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
