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The results are as follows.(1) Long train electrical stimulation at the dMNF facilitated myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle.(2) Short train electrical stimulation of dMNF, when delivered in the inspiratory phase, caused prolongation of myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle; but when delivered in the expiratory phase, myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle were shortened.(3) Long train electrical stimulation at the vMNF inhibited myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle.(4) Short train electrical stimulation of vMNF caused shortening of myoelectric activities of genioglossus and phrenic muscle, when delivered in the inspiratory phase, but a prolongation when delivered in the expiratory phase.(5) The effects of microinjection of glutamate to dMNF and vMNF were similar to those of electrical stimulation.


The relationship between standard metabolism (R〓, mgO〓/h/fish), wet weight and temperature was: lnRs=0.830+0.021T+0.670lnW in short term respiration trials. The relationship between feeding metabolism rate (R〓, mgO〓/g/d) and feeding rate was R〓=0.264C+36. 740 determined in short term respiration trials. The relationship between feeding metabolism , body weight and temperature for gibel carp at maximum feeding rate was R〓=-6. 237+0.697lnW+1. 940lnT.


No matter – when foreign short-run credit lines closed, Glitnir had to request a short-term loan from the Central Bank of Iceland, which refused.


Does it mean your short turn is better than Herald Harb's short turn.


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With the IAP Prediction System of Short-term Climate Anomaly, two sets of seasonal and extra-seasonal ensemble hindcasts have been performed during the period of 1980~1994 in order to assess the prediction skill of the IAP PSSCA with two different schemes The difference of the two schemes is in the different version of AGCM used, with the IAP AGCM 1 1 in one scheme and the IAP AGCM 1 2 with an improved surface albedo parameterization in the other Comparisons of the hindcast results with the observations show that IAP PSSCA is capable of predicting the precipitation anomaly to some extent In the eastern China largely affected by Asian monsoon and SST anomalies, the prediction skill is relatively high, especially in the Southeastern China where the anomaly correlation coefficient can reach as high as 0 50 in the severe flood and drought years This may suggest that the possible mechanisms for these severe disasters have been well captured by the IAP PSSCA The prediction skill is higher for the modified model AGCM 1 2 as the model's climatological state is well simulated This indicates that models with reasonable land process will improve the prediction skill for short-term climate prediction

利用中国科学院大气物理研究所研制的短期气候距平数值预测系统,种版本的大气环流模式:AGCM 1.1和AGCM 1.2,分别以2月11~19日的9天大气观测值为初始场,以给定海温为边界场,对1980~1994年的15年的降水异常进行了两组集合后报试验。对试验结果进行定量评估表明:IAP PSSCA对降水异常具有一定的预测能力,特别是在中国东部受东亚季风及海温异常影响的地区,IAP PSSCA具有较高的预报技巧,其中以东南区域(包括江淮流域和华南地区)最高,尤其是对有洪涝灾害的降水异常年,距平相关系数在0.50左右,接近可供业务使用的要求,说明模式能够抓住在东亚季风区存在的某种物理机制,从而提高了这一地区的预报技巧;另外,两个大气环流模式相比,改进了地表反照率的AGCM 1.2的15年集合平均预测技巧略高于AGCM 1.1,特别是在华北地区,预测效果有明显提高,这表明改进地表反照率从而改进了模式的气候平均态的模拟,能提高气候模式的预测能力,说明较好的陆面过程引入模式对短期气候预测是有益的。

The relative formula between axial pressure ratio and hooped reinforcement ratio of short column is obtained. The suggested limit values of axial pressure ratio and minimum hooped ratio of short columus are put forward through the test, which satisfy certain requirement of ductility.


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Summer monsoon precipitation in 1998 is simulated with different soil temperature and solar short wave radiation parameterization schemes using the improved p-σ nine level hybrid coordinate model.It is found that the improved soil temperature calculation method together with Lacis and Hansen short wave radiation parameterization has a good simulation for precipitation.

利用改进后的p-σ 9层混合坐标系模式,采用不同的土壤温度与太阳短波辐射参数化方案,对1998年夏季风降水进行模拟,发现改进的土壤温度计算法和改进的Lacis和Hansen 短波辐射参数化方法相结合能较好地模拟降水。

Present,I have been short once naive and loss, many growth wisdom and steady, was short has been full of vigor impetuously with facing challenge spiritless, has learned levelly and confidently facing the life.


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The Short Weekend Begins With Longing
Life's Too Short To Love This Fast
Short Sweet Ride
Astronaut: A Short History Of Nearly Nothing
Another Year: A Short History Of Almost Something
Cute Boys With Short Haircuts
A Little Short Of Love
Don't Sell Me Short
Short Of The World
Short Short

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
