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short time相关的网络例句

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与 short time 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Blend various advantages of the coding project of the parameter audio frequencies in the meantime, carried on adjustment on the coder structure, have to a certain signal more the mold piece of coding result, if wave structure analytical transformation short time of the mold piece, double the composition examine and double the transformation short time mold piece etc.


Blend various advantages of the coding project of the parameter audio frequencies in the meantime, carried on adjustment on the coder structure, have to a certain signal more the mold piece of coding result, if wave structure analytical transformation short time of the mold piece, double the composition examine and double the transformation short time mold piece etc. is an options to bring into coder, from user while coding according to small together source voice document of small together characteristics, decide whether use and how use, but these vivid constitutions can through a code flow in define several good to mark ratio in advance tell a decoding machine especially, constituting decoding machine is little with complications to without direct influence.


The challenges of these material are screen printing and sintering process. Many long fine patterned lines should be printed on a large piece of glass and sustain a smooth, continuous and uniform line pattern; on the other hand, the sintering process is rapidly increasing sintering temperature to a peak in a short time, then cooling the glass substrate to low temperature under a short time shock.


Firstly, the establishment of model requires sophisticated neurointerventional techniques and costly interventional materials(sacculus, minikin circlip ring, endovascular electrocoagulation), it not only consumed time but also increased the resesrch expense ; Secondly, although the Massoud model is the first successful model that contain the nidus, but it is far from mimicking the high-flow fistulae frequently observed in a brain AVM; Thirdly, the rapid spontaneous thrombosis result in fistula occlusion in a short time;Fouthly, the model's natural course and the long–term patency of fistula are unclear;Currently the model is only used for the short-term research.


On the basis of short time energy and short time cross zero rate,a simple voice activity detection model on G.729 is presented.Some adjust methods are discussed for the model to adapt to different environments automatically.


The results indicate that, during the early storage period under short time treatment with heat air, the activities of amylase and polygalactouronase are effectively decreased; starch content reduction is inhibited; the degradation speed of pectin and the decrease speed of flesh hardness are slowed down, and the release rate of ethylene in fruit is decreased. During the later storage period, the decomposition rate of middle lamella and primary wall of the Li jujube fruit treated with heat air for a short time is delayed, exosmosis of cell contents is inhibited, and the cell structure is protected, so the storage time of Li jujube fruit is prolonged.


My fantasy my coming every day all is a clear and boundless sky , remotest places thinks of lollipop kind of seven colored beautiful rainbow being hanging forever; Local working in me is full of laughter , is conducting till very far very distant place; While I recall past events to school, can hear bright reading a book; The fragrance being multicolored fragrance , the earth , for a short time careless fragrance assailing the nostrils but coming while I return to hometown; Solidity having seen multicolored tenderness and beauy , the earth , for a short time careless indomitableness; More important be cheering and laughing of the children!


At the same time, short time stockjobbing transaction is the mainstream in our country's stock market,and listed firms lost their development direction,and their investment behaviors are short time.


In this paper, orthogonal tests were conducted to study cut-tomato preservation with short-time microwave treatment. It was found that the vacuum packaged cut-tomato only reached low temperature of pasteurization after short-time microwave treatment, but it could be preserved for a long time under normal atmospheric temperature. The optimal treatment parameters were determined. The parameters are solution contains 0.12%vitamin C and microwave treatment time is 54 s; The image processing of samples were carried out to get color histograms and corresponding color mean, and effects of the method were explained with certain value. Effects of package on tomato were analyzed; it was considered that cut-tomato would be packaged with lightproof package.

通过正交试验对切分西红柿进行了微波处理常温保鲜的试验研究,得出了真空包装的切分西红柿在微波短时处理后只达到巴氏杀菌的低温杀菌温度,却得到能长期贮存的品质优良的样品的结果;确定了这种方法的最佳处理参数,其最佳参数为0.12%维生素C处理时间为54 s;对样品进行图像处理,得到色彩直方图和色彩均值,用确切的数值说明保鲜方法的保鲜作用;分析包装对西红柿保鲜的影响作用,认为切分西红柿应采用避光包装保存。

As showed in Fig.1, the diagrammed stress of short time endurance test forAs showed in Fig.1, the diagrammed stress of short time endurance test for500 hours at 565℃on welded-joint of T91-F12 is 240MPa. Considering the℃on welded-joint of T91-F12 is 240MPa. Considering thedispersity of±20%, stress of check test for 500 hours is 192MPa. The result±20%, stress of check test for 500 hours is 192MPa. The resultof short time endurance test for 500 hours at 565of short time endurance test for 500 hours at 565℃on T91-X20CrMoV121℃on T91-X20CrMoV121welded-joints is showed in Tab.5. The result shows that the short timewelded-joints is showed in Tab.5. The result shows that the short timeendurance stress of weldedendurance stress of welded-joints with two procedures at 565℃for 500 hours-joints with two procedures at 565℃for 500 hoursboth above 192MPa, and meet the requirement.both above 192MPa, and meet the requirement.

依据图1,对T91-F12 焊接接头 565℃温度下的短时持久性能 500 小时考核试验依据图1,对T91-F12 焊接接头 565℃温度下的短时持久性能 500 小时考核试验的图示应力值应为 240MPa,按照持久强度试验数据的±20%的分散度,取 500的图示应力值应为 240MPa,按照持久强度试验数据的±20%的分散度,取 500小时考核试验应力值为 192MPa.T91-X20CrMoV121 焊接接头 565℃、500 小时小时考核试验应力值为 192MPa.T91-X20CrMoV121 焊接接头 565℃、500 小时短时持久考核试验试验结果见表5 ,试验结果表明,两种工艺条件下的焊接接头短时持久考核试验试验结果见表5 ,试验结果表明,两种工艺条件下的焊接接头565℃温度下的短时持久性能,500 小时的持久断裂应力均高于 192MPa,结果符565℃温度下的短时持久性能,500 小时的持久断裂应力均高于 192MPa,结果符合要求。

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That Time Of The Night (The Short Straw)

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
