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short order相关的网络例句

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与 short order 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Meyer took any job he could get. He worked as a busboy and short-order cook.


But the president has been clear, the Administration has been clear that there's a need for demonstrable progress on a short order.


In short order, he invited outlawed dissidents and communists to see him at the palace; removed the ban against Chinese culture and language; talked to, and tried to make peace with, Aceh and West Papua, as part of a devolution of power away from "corrupt" Jakarta; dismantled Suharto's press-curbing Ministry of Information, and the extortionist Ministry of Welfare; sacked General Wiranto, who had overseen atrocities in East Timor, and apologised to the East Timorese.


We can well believe that a new RSM Company is on the way of growing up and grandness in short order.


The archetypal singer-songwriter introspection of "Your Song" kicks things off, giving way in short order to the more glam pop moments of "Honky Cat" and "Saturday Night's All Right For Fighting."


During my student years I also had part-time jobs doing gardening work, shoveling snow, making sailboats, waiting tables, as a short-order cook, library assistant, house painter and construction equipment operator.


In the case of a museum, where expensive paintings, sculptures and other hygroscopic materials are kept, rapid changes in Relative Humidity can be devastating and will eventually destroy the wooden artifacts in short order.


In short order, a Dutch fellow was on the line.


In order to reduce the cost of interconnecting between high speed optical equipments, optical internetworking forum had made a serial of implementation agreements of optic interlink within very short distance, namely VSR interface agreements. Its key intention is to replace high speed serial parallel optic link with low-speed parallel optic link for lower costs. VSR is a kind of physics layers transmitting technology. At present, OIF had put forward VSR interface implementation agreements of 10Gbit/s and 40Gbit/s.

为了降低不同设备间采用高速光互联的成本,光互连论坛(Optical Internetworking Forum,OIF)制订了一系列应用于甚短距离(very short reach,VSR)光互联的协议,也即是VSR接口协议,其核心是采用低速并行光链路代替高速串行的光链路,以降低成本。

Everywhere were the drow, darts from the hand crossbows winging before them, javelins from their atlatals following in short order, and whip-wielding, cruel priestesses hissing out orders in the velvet darkness.

卓尔精灵无处不在,从他们手中十字弓(handcrossbow中射出的飞镖在他们身前呼啸,从他们手中投出的标枪头尾相接(javelins from their atlatals following in short order,并且手持蛇头鞭(whip的无情的女祭司在如天鹅绒般的黑暗中发号施令。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
