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The result shows, grass of Sikkim small hole is temporary decline Yan period with permanent decline water content of Yan period soil is respectively 7.06% be in temporary decline with 6.20%; the Sikkim of Yan period is small after water of Kong Cao answer bibulous and rapid, decline Yan condition is eliminated gradually, appearance of aftertreatment group of answer water 6 H and contrast active of basic consistent;SOD is during threatening processing with markedder than notting have to taking a picture change, the ascendant;CAT that there is certain range after answer water and POD active are in threatening during after rising first, drop, all remarkable prep above contrasts level, and the active;MDA content that still keeps taller after answer water as the extension of time of arid and threatening processing mushroom, to threatening the 8th climate reachs maximum, content of the MDA in the lamina after answer water drops quickly, arrive the 5th day after answer water, content of the MDA in threatening group lamina is adjacent already contrast level.

结果显示,锡金微孔草暂时萎焉期和永久萎焉期土壤含水量分别为7.06%和6.20%;处于暂时萎焉期的锡金微孔草复水后吸水迅速,萎焉状态逐渐消除,复水6 h后处理组外貌和对照基本一致;SOD活性在胁迫处理期间和对照相比无显著变化,复水后有一定幅度的上升;CAT和POD活性在胁迫期间先上升后下降,均显著高于对照水平,且复水后仍然保持较高的活性;MDA含量随着干旱胁迫处理时间的延长而迅速增加,到胁迫第8天时达到最大值,复水后叶片中MDA含量迅速下降,到复水后第5天,胁迫组叶片中MDA含量已接近对照水平。

Be able to be short of cash because of some species cause generally in concerning foreign affairs or foreign nationals negotiation, or be reluctant self true thought to be revealed to others,or in some occasion,a few appear on meeting being able to not answer on and on but cannot but answer, the for a short while unable answer but the problem must answer or, is


Firstly, take polyester short fiber, nylon short fiber and cotton powder short fiber for examples, a study was made on the influence of content and kind of short fibers on physical and heat aging properties of short fiber-CR composites. The experiment results showed that the rigidity of the composite increased as the content of the fiber increased, and the tear strength, the modulus at 20% in L direction also increased; thereinto, the reinforcement effect of nylon short fiber was the best, and the cotton powder short fiber was the worst.


Several variants were built: The Model 08/33 Short Rifle, made for Brazil; the Model 12/33 Carbine, built for export to Central and South America; the Model 16/33 Carbine, the shortest member of the series and the basis for the VZ-33 Gendarmerie Carbine; the Model 32 and 35 Short Rifles, minor variants made for Peru (identical to the VZ-98/29 Short Rifle for game purposes); the VZ-98/29 Short Rifle, a shorter version of the base rifle; The Model JC Short Rifle, a lighter version of the VZ-98/29 Short Rifle built for civilian export; and the Model L Short Rifle, a version built for the Lithuanians, firing the .303 British cartridge and using a Austro-Hungarian 1895-pattern knife bayonet.

分别建有几个变种:真33分之08短步枪,对巴西,示范12/33卡宾枪,出口到中南美洲建成;示范三十三分之一十六卡宾枪,该系列最短成员和基础此外,VZ - 33宪兵卡宾枪,模型32和35短步枪,对秘鲁提出的轻微变种(完全相同VZ-98/29短步枪为比赛的目的);的VZ-98/29短步枪,一个较短的版本基地步枪;示范Jc的短步枪,一短的VZ-98/29建民用枪打火机出口版本,以及型号L短步枪,对立陶宛建立了一个版本,射击0.303英国墨盒和使用奥匈1895纹刀刺刀。

It was found that 0.25%o potassium sorbate produced a positive inhibition against short G+ spore bacillus with a concentration less than 5xl04cfu/ml. A concentration less than %o potassium sorbate hardly exerted a complete control towards short G- plump bacillus having a population density of 5x104cfu/ml. It was proved that use of l% potassium sorbute never controlled the growth of G+ coccus, G~ spirilla and enterobacter with a population density of 104cfu/ml. 1mmol EDTA completely controlled the growth of G+ short spore bacillus and G+ coccus whose cell density was 5xl04cfu/ml. A level of lmmol EDTA showed a limited inhibition against the growth of G- spirilla with a population density of 105 cfu/ml. However, a level of 10mmol EDTA completely controlled the growth of the G- spiral bacteria having a population density of 105cfu/ml. lOmmol EDTA produced a very significant control towards the growth of G"" plump short bacillus with 105cfu/ml. 20mmol EDTA showed a remarkable inhibition against the enterobacter with a population density of 105cfu/ml. Different concentrations of nisin including 25mg/mL, 50mg/mL, 75mg/mL and 100mg/mL were used as bio-preservative to examine its effects against the growth of all strains leading to the spoilage of fresh mutton meat. It was seen that there was a big difference in nisin's concentrations in inhibiting the spoiling bacteria. Generally speaking, as more as 75mg/mL of nisin significantly inhibited the growth of G+ short spore bacillus, G-plump short bacillus, enterobacter, G'spiral bacteria and G+ coccus having a population density of 105cfu/ml.

分别运用山梨酸钾、EDTA和Nisin对7种主要引起羊肉腐败的微生物进行了抑菌实验,结果显示,0.25‰以上山梨酸钾能够有效抑制5×10~4 cfu/mL以下的革兰氏阳性短芽孢杆菌的生长;1‰以下的山梨酸钾不能完全抑制5×10~4 cfu/mL革兰氏阴性粗短杆菌的生长,对10~4 cfu/mL革兰氏阳性球菌菌株、革兰氏阴性螺旋菌菌株和肠杆菌菌株抑制效果不太明显。1mmoL EDTA能完全抑制住小于10~5 cfu/mL革兰氏阳性短芽孢杆菌菌株、革兰氏阳性球菌菌株的生长,能明显的抑制10~5 cfu/mL的革兰氏阴性粗短杆菌菌株生长,对10~5 cfu/mL的革兰氏阴性螺旋菌菌株有一定的抑制作用。10mmoL EDTA能完全抑制住10~5 cfu/mL革兰氏阴性螺旋菌菌株的生长;能明显抑制10~5 cfu/mL的革兰氏阴性粗短杆菌菌株的生长,而20 mmoL EDTA能很明显抑制10~5 cfu/mL肠杆菌菌株的生长。25mg/mL、50 mg/mL、75 mg/mL和100 mg/mL的Nisin几乎对所有引起羊肉的腐败菌有抑制作用,但抑制程度不同,抑菌活性有一定的变化。

As showed in Fig.1, the diagrammed stress of short time endurance test forAs showed in Fig.1, the diagrammed stress of short time endurance test for500 hours at 565℃on welded-joint of T91-F12 is 240MPa. Considering the℃on welded-joint of T91-F12 is 240MPa. Considering thedispersity of±20%, stress of check test for 500 hours is 192MPa. The result±20%, stress of check test for 500 hours is 192MPa. The resultof short time endurance test for 500 hours at 565of short time endurance test for 500 hours at 565℃on T91-X20CrMoV121℃on T91-X20CrMoV121welded-joints is showed in Tab.5. The result shows that the short timewelded-joints is showed in Tab.5. The result shows that the short timeendurance stress of weldedendurance stress of welded-joints with two procedures at 565℃for 500 hours-joints with two procedures at 565℃for 500 hoursboth above 192MPa, and meet the requirement.both above 192MPa, and meet the requirement.

依据图1,对T91-F12 焊接接头 565℃温度下的短时持久性能 500 小时考核试验依据图1,对T91-F12 焊接接头 565℃温度下的短时持久性能 500 小时考核试验的图示应力值应为 240MPa,按照持久强度试验数据的±20%的分散度,取 500的图示应力值应为 240MPa,按照持久强度试验数据的±20%的分散度,取 500小时考核试验应力值为 192MPa.T91-X20CrMoV121 焊接接头 565℃、500 小时小时考核试验应力值为 192MPa.T91-X20CrMoV121 焊接接头 565℃、500 小时短时持久考核试验试验结果见表5 ,试验结果表明,两种工艺条件下的焊接接头短时持久考核试验试验结果见表5 ,试验结果表明,两种工艺条件下的焊接接头565℃温度下的短时持久性能,500 小时的持久断裂应力均高于 192MPa,结果符565℃温度下的短时持久性能,500 小时的持久断裂应力均高于 192MPa,结果符合要求。

Cage shaped rotor includes following parts: columnar rotor core made from soft magnetic material, multiple bar conductors made from copper inserted into rotor core along up and down direction, short circuit rings made from copper installed on upper and lower ends of rotor core in order to realize electrical connection among each bar conductor. Preparation method includes steps: in step for preparing short circuit ring assemblies, bar conductors are installed between short circuit rings in upper part and lower part to keep electrical connection between short circuit rings in upper part and lower part; in step for forming columnar rotor core, pressurization molding soft magnetic material is carried out when short circuit rings module is in die so as to form rotor core, where bar conductors are inside and short circuit rings are in upper and lower ends.


Die for you Lay down my life for you The only thing that means everything to me 'Cause when you're in my arms You make me prouder than Than anything I ever could achieve And you make everything that used to seem so big Seem to be so small since you arrived On angel's winds, an angelical formation Angel's wings, like letters in the sky Now I know no matter what the question Love is the answer It's written on angel's wings And I often wonder why, Someone as flawed as I Deserves to be as happy as you make me So as the years roll by I'll be there by your side I'll follow you wherever your heart takes me Cause you make everything that used to be so big Seem to be so small since you arrived On angel's winds, an angelical formation Angel's wings, like letters in the sky Now I know no matter what the question Love is the answer It's written on angel's wings Now anyone who's felt the touch of heaven in their lives Will know the way I'm feeling, looking In my baby's eyes That's why I can't bear to be too far away I know that god must love me cause He sent you to me on angel's wings On angel's winds, an angelical formation Angel's wings, like letters in the sky Now I know no matter what the question Love is the answer It's written on angel's wings Love is the answer It's written on angel's wings


Where with respect to any question a witness objects to answer on the ground that his answer may tend to criminate him, or may tend to establish his liability to a civil proceeding at the instance of the Crown or of any person, and if but for this Act, or the Act of any provincial legislature, the witness would therefore have been excused from answering the question, then although the witness is by reason of this Act or the provincial Act compelled to answer, the answer so given shall not be used or admissible in evidence against him in any criminal trial or other criminal proceeding against him thereafter taking place, other than a prosecution for perjury in the giving of that evidence or for the giving of contradictory evidence.


The question's semantic comprehension model combines many natural language processing techniques, including Segmentation and Part-Of-Speech Tagging, the confirmation of the question type, the extarction of keywords and extending, the confirmation of the knowledge unit, Through these works, the intention of the user is holded, which greatly helped the last work of this system. The FAQ-based question similarity match model is implemented by sematic sentence similarity computation, which is improved by our system, this model can answer frequently-asked question fastly and concisely.The document warehouse-base automatic answer fetching model fistly deal with the document warehouse beforehand and construct inversed index, then use high efficient information retrieval model to search in the base and return some relevant documents, lastly, we use answer extraction technique to get the answer from these relevant documents and present it to users.

问句理解分析模块采用分词和词性标注、关键词提取及扩展、问句类型类别确定等自然语言理解技术,实现对用户提问意图的准确理解;FAQ 库问句匹配模块主要采用本系统改进的句子相似度计算方法来实现用户问句的解答,该模块主要用于实现用户常问问题的快速、准确解答;学科文档库答案自动获取模块在对学科文档库建立倒排索引的基础上,采用高效的信息检索模型对索引库进行检索,返回与用户查询表达式相似度较高的文档作为候选文档,针对从文档中直接获取答案难度较大这一问题,本系统采用答案抽取技术来实现问题的最终回答。

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Short Rap
You Short
I Don't Stop Rappin'
The Answer
Short Short
Top Down
Call Me
Nah Ansa
Now For Plan A
Though I Hear You Calling, I Will Not Answer

"Please accept this talisman as a token of our thanks."


If I have that magic, I will be more acceptable in the society.


Annual operating companies adipate project objective is to pass the second quarter of output products, gas pipeline projects simultaneously to major petrochemical and gas production facilities to achieve safe production, is expected to achieve the main business income of 680 million yuan.
