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与 shoebox 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This Roox looks like a shoebox on wheels on the side, it locomotives equipped with chrome-plated tank, fencing, two lateral doors with sliding switch (remote control can be used to open), the car, there was a very spacious car room cabin.


In the next hour my father transformed the empty shoebox into a valentine box I would never forget.


Their working model is a shoebox-sized package of electronics and liquid-filled tubes, with a silicon chip at its core.


I got up and rifled through my shoebox of CDsuntil I found a collection of Chopin's nocturnes.


He closed the lid on a shoebox full of acorns, the ones he'd have continued to use if the experiment hadn't worked when it did, the ones he'd have tossed one at a time into the plastic-lined red trash can when they hissed and sizzled and failed to transform into anything other than roasted baby oaks.

他关闭了在充满橡实的 shoebox 上的盖子,一些当它做的时候,假如实验不工作,他有已经继续使用,一些他有每次已经进入塑胶之内投掷一-排成一行红色的垃圾桶当他们发出嘘声而且嘶嘶做声而且没有除了烤的婴儿橡树之外进入任何事之内转换的时候。

Armstrong has been storing pennies in vases, bowls and the occasional shoebox. In 1993, The Times in her hometown of Shreveport, Louisiana, US, reported she had squirreled away 14,000 pennies. Armstrong decided that even though she had $140 (NT$4,500) she would keep saving.


In the event of any dispute, SHOEBOX's decision will be final


In this case, the input format I'm often given is simple enough. It's called Shoebox Standard Format, and it looks like this

在这个例子里面,我要处理的输出格式非常简单,他被叫做 Shoebox Standard Format,他读起来像下面的段落

Software Description: About Electric Shoebox, This digital camera software lets you organize, edit and instantly share your photos.

Electric Shoebox 这款数码相机软件让你可以组织、编辑和即时共享你的照片。

They call the "giant shoebox problem".In a giant shoebox full of

Bell 和他的同事研制了&我的生活片段&软件系统,把它作为代理大脑,用来解决他们称作&庞大的鞋盒似的问题&。

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The Shoebox

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
