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Anna Howard Shaw, another suffragist, wrote a description of the relationship between Stanton and Anthony in The Story of a Pioneer: She often said that Mrs. Stanton was the brains of the new association, while she herself was merely its hands and feet; but in truth the two women worked marvelously together, for Mrs.
Only aging theatre people and professional historians of nineteenth-century theatre would remember this Irish demiurge, except, that is, for a few dramatists canny enough to realize he was a master from whom they could learn: writers such as Wilde, Shaw, Synge and O'Casey.
George Bernard Shaw was an Irish-born playwright, pamghleteer and music and theater critic.
萧伯纳是爱尔兰出生的剧作家, pamghleteer和音乐和戏剧评论家。
Structurally and thematically, Shaw followed the great traditions of realism.
Shaw's research agenda that combines major advances in computational algorithms and architecture to provide the requisite thousand-fold increase in processing speed to simulate protein folding and protein-protein interactions in a biologically meaningful timeframe.
Eliza's father, who calls himself one of "the undeserving poor" is one of Shaw's best comedy creations...
"Except for what it costs to a build an ultra-precise Shaw-Fujikawa low-mass launcher," the Vice Admiral replied, you could build a fleet of ships.
Waugh kept in line with the tradition of irony in English literature descending from Jonathan Swift to Bernard Shaw.
Kim Shaw experienced some bad rolls and worse luck in her semifinal match against Kelly Fisher.
Arn-shaw insisted,and little by little the boy became accepted by the family.
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For a big chunk of credit-card losses; the number of filings (and thus charge-off rates) would be rising again, whether
Eph. 4:23 And that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind
弗四23 而在你们心思的灵里得以更新
Lao Qiu is the Chairman of China Qiuyang Translation Group and the head master of the Confucius School. He has committed himself to the research and promotion of the classics of China.