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与 shaping 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The winter of 2008 is shaping up to be one of the best in recent memory for those who enjoy ice fishing and snowmobiling, and hundreds of thousands of Ontarians will soon be trying their luck at their favourite fishing spot.

对喜欢冰钓及机动雪橇活动的人来说, 2008年的冬天看起来将是多年以来最好的冬天,数以十万计的安省人将很快到他们喜爱的地方尝试他们的运气。

With a choice of 400-hp and 500-hp V-8 engines in the U.S., this is certainly shaping up to be the sports car of luxury sedans.

可以选择400马力和500马力的V - 8引擎在美国,这无疑是形成是跑车的豪华轿车。

On one hand, TBT has its raison d' etre and plays a positive role in shaping world economy and international trade.


We investigate the role of information asymmetries and inflation hedging in shaping international equity portfolios.


Born in Israel in 1961, he moved to Amsterdam when he was 30 and is shaping up as one of Europe's most idiosyncratic choreographers.

他于1961年出生在以色列, 30岁的时候来到了阿姆斯特丹,并成为欧洲最与众不同的舞蹈编导之一。

Estimation results show that in summer season, the mesopause with the same height (83 km) as that of the polar mesopause is observed through the latitudes from 48°N to the polar area. In the meantime the equatorial and tropical mesopause are maintained at 97 km, which is critical in shaping the characteristic global "two-level mesopause".

进一步利用逐日数据开展温度梯度诊断确定了中间层顶的位置和温度,在此基础开展考察的结果显示,在夏季,与极区中间层顶高度一致(83 km)的中间层顶稳定地伸展到中纬度(48°N),而热带和赤道地区中间层顶稳定地维持在97 km高度,形成了&两台阶&中间层顶结构。

Kuyto playing forming structural adjustment, the kuyto play shaping mechanism have the books gummed mesopause nourishing, too low to cover and back-bonding systems that lead back up adhesive layer.


An oversampled, noise shaping signal processor (300) is described having at least one integrator stage (306) in the loop. A sampling stage (310) is connected coupled to the at least one integrator stage.


THIS year is shaping up to be a good one for human palaeontology.


THIS year is shaping up to be a good one for human palaeontology.


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Shaping The Masterpiece

The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
