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According to the energy conservation theory, BOM and CSIM4 were coupled. The BOM has no treatment on transmission solar radiation, which is of great importance when the model is adapted to Arctic Ocean. So the treatment was introduced to BOM. Through numerical test on different lead albedos, it was found that sea ice thickness is not so sensitive to lead albedo, which may be contribute to the lead occupies little ratio within multiyear sea ice pack. The reason of summer over-melt of arctic sea ice is the NCEP reanalysis downward solar radiation being larger than its reality. Then the arctic sea ice climate variability was simulated. Results showed that: simulated ice thickness change is in accord with the submarine investigated mean sea-ice draft changes. Simulated annually maximum ice thickness along the Eurasian continental oceans are closely related to the observed ones. The long-term mean simulated ice motion has the same features of the SSM/I derived ice motion. Sea ice extents in differential sub-regions have same trends comparing to the satellite passive-microwave data derived ones. Simulated ice concentration is closely related to the observed in the Arctic sub-regions. Sea ice flux through the Fram Strait involves ice concentration, motion and thickness. It is a composite criterion for sea ice model evaluation. The simulated ice area and volume export through the strait accord with the satellite derived or statistically reconstructed ones.(5) The simulated ice thickness climate variability and mean sea surface current of the coupled model were analyzed, results showed: the total ice volume in the Arctic Ocean has a significant decreasing trend. The volume variability is of a 10-year timescale oscillation, with two major periods of 12-13a and 18-20a. Mean ice thickness in the arctic sub-seas has different tendencies. It has an increasing trend in the Barents-Kara Sea and Baffin Bay-Labrador Sea, and decreasing in the others. The characteristic time scale of 7-10a wherein the river discharges leads the Fram Strait ice volume export is about the period that river water takes to be conveyed across the Arctic Ocean.(6) Using the simulated ice distribution in the Arctic Ocean and China precipitation, air temperature and SST in tropical key regions, the climate teleconnection were studied. Result showed: When the mean sea ice thickness is large in the central Arctic Ocean and Chukchi-Beaufort Sea , and small in the Barents-Kara Sea and Baffin Bay-Labrador Sea , the precipitation in South China, Tibetan Plateau, and the north part of Northeastern China are always smaller than normal, and v. v. When the mean ice thickness is small in CA, BC, East Siberian Sea and Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian Sea , and large in BL, The air temperature in north-eastern China, the southern of Tibetan Plateau, and Hainan Island, are always lower than normal, and v. v. In addition, when the sea ice is thick in BC and BL, the SST is larger in the middle and eastern Pacific Ocean, and is smaller in the tropical Southeastern Indian Ocean.
Sea ice severe degree and disaster in Bohai Sea from 1950 through 2007 promulgated by State Oceanic Administration People's Republic of China has been summarized. According to these reports and bulletins involved with sea ice severe degree and disaster, the statistical means of 5-year moving average are applied, the feedback of sea ice disaster to the societal activity in every National Five-year Plan has been exhibited, the relation between sea ice disaster and sea ice severe degree has been quantificationally analyzed. Some conclusions have been derived as follows: sea ice disaster appeared proportionably to industrial activity and sea ice severe degree, but inverse proportionnably to the understandings of cognition of defending in sea ice disasters; so that the weaken sea ice conditions could not inevitably result in the loosening of sea ice disaster.
The northern side is the white ream sea, a gram of the 鄂霍 sea, Japanese sea, Yellow sea, the east the china sea and south china sea; go toward the south is the huge east India islands to be divided into the ocean Su pulls the 威 west sea, the Java sea and Timor sea;Became the coralline sea and tower 斯曼 sea again in Australia.
It is proposed that clear definition and discrimination of some relevant concepts and relationships on sea level and sea level change, eustasy and relative sea level, high frequency sea level and composite sea level, sea level rising falling, sea level fluctuation and sea level oscillation, sea level change and transgressive ...
In the space, along with increased distance from the main ore-controlling structures, the frequency of P type of pyrite and their thermoelectricity also decreased gradually. Within one lode, from the upper to the lower parts of an ore body, the vertical change of pyrite in thermoelectricity as the follows:① when the ore body is stable, that is when the ore body is uniformly and continuously mineralized, the Dp andαvalues keep increased from shallow to deeper parts;② when an ore body is discontinuously mineralized, the Dp andαvalues have a wavy increasing tendency from the shallow to the deeper;③ when the deeper part of an ore body contains abundant, Co and Ni high mafic dykes, the Dp andαvalues of pyrite decreased from the shallow to the deeper parts of an ore body, that is, an reversed zoning of pyrite thermoelectricity occurs for pyrite in this situation contain more Ni and Co and belongs to N type.④ For the deposits hosted in the Archean metamorphic rocks, because all of the pyrite in this case is N-type, the vertical change of pyrite is not featured by the transition of pyrite type, but by the increased values of Vnp and α from the shallow to deeper parts of an ore body.
There are thinks the double features of saline and alkaline for the formation and evolutionprocess of the salinization soils in this region,the generation intensity and scale are related withgeomorphological types,shallow water geochemical types,shallow water table and soil structureetc.,presents the quantity relationship between the salinization degree of the soils,shallow watertable and mineralization,expounds the four stage and seasonal succession features of slattransference and inversion,discuss the interaction between ions in shallow water and soils and thethe regularity of the salt transference and accumulation under freeze-thaw action.
The predictions are identical with that of foreign underwater acousticexperiments.The third,the scattering theory are applied in prediction of seareverberation and inversion of sea bottom parameter.Shallow-sea monstaticreverberation is predicted by combining shallow-sea normal mode theory withscattering theory.Then with simulated annealing of neural network and scatteringtheory accurate inversion of sea-bottom parameter and surface roughness are given.
Had deep technology to accumulate what go up with technical research and development to be thrown energetically just about, many industries and country " the first " in the sea the letter is born, multinomial core technology and sophisticated technology are captured by sea letter him person and master. 1996, air conditioning of the first frequency conversion of Chinese gets offline in sea letter; 2001, mobile phone of screen of color of the first CDMA of Chinese is born in sea letter; In June 2005, the video of the first own intellectual property treats field of Chinese sound video chip " letter core " in the sea the letter is born; In September 2007, product line of group of model of the first liquid crystal is in course of study of Chinese color television sea letter builds and put into production; In July 2008, TV of liquid crystal of illuminant of back of the first LED of the thinnest, China is in the whole world sea letter is born... some closer year come, because the sea believes these to hold to the ceaseless effort of own innovation enterprise, the home appliance trade that allows China was taken off " fruit dealer " cap, course of study of the state-owend enterprise in making tycoon of foreign home appliance right be filled with deep esteem, from " look down upon " mix to admiring look in succession and the olive that come.
As a whole,the notable characteristic of primary productivity in size-fractioned structure was that nanoplankton occupied comparatively significant advantage in Beibu Gulf.Nanoplankton has the largest contribution to gross primary productivity,and picoplankton was the secondary contributor,while microplankton the least.The contribution of microplankton for primary productivity in the north Gulf was more than that in the other waters.Nanoplankton and picoplankton contribute more to the gross primary productivity in offshore deep waters than in inshore shallow waters3.The Beibu Gulf can be divided into three ecoregions:Region-Ⅰis the ecoregion in inshore shallow waters of the north Gulf.In average,the water depth is 18m,DIN is 1.88μmol/L,DIP is 0.20μmol/L,N:P is 9.4:1,dissolved silicate is 5.17μmol/L,the Chl a conentration in surface layer is 2.27mg·m~(-3),the assimilation index in surface layer is 3.80mg/,the primary productivity is 198.78mgC/(m~2·d), and potential fishery production is estimated to be 0.24gC/(m~2·a) according to the primary productivity.The ecoregion is mainly affected by the northern coastal water systems,and may be fit for aquaculture;Region-Ⅱis the ecoregion in offshore deep waters of the north Gulf and the coastal shallow waters to the west Hainan Island.In average,the water depth is 35m,DIN is 2.01μmol/L,DIP is 0.18μmol/L,N:P is 11.2:1,disovled silicate is 4.23μmol/L,the chlorophyll a of surface layer concentration is 1.45mg·m~(-3),the assimilation index of surface layer is 4.12 mg/,the primary productivity is 276.60mgC/(m~2·d),and the estimated potential fishery production is 0.34gC/(m~2·a) according to the primary productivity. The ecoregion was mainly influenced by ocean current from the South China Sea, rivers in the west coast of Hainan Island and the water from Qiongzhou Strait.It may be fit for aquaculture and fishery;Region-Ⅲis the ecoregion in offshore deep waters of the mid and south Gulf.In average,the water depth is 75m,DIN is 0.77μmol/L, DIP is 0.15μmol/L,N:P is 5.1:1,disovled silicate is 3.05μmol/L,the chlorophyll a of surface layer concentration is 0.70mg·m~(-3),the assimilation index of surface layer averaged is 3.69mg/,the primary productivity is 350.89mgC/(m~2·d),and the estimated potential fishery production is 0.43gC/(m~2·a) according to the primary productivity.The ecoregion was mainly affected by the circulation inside Beibu Gulf, and may be fit for fishery.
初级生产力的粒级结构的一个显著特点是总体上微型浮游生物在全调查海区均占较明显优势,对总初级生产力的平均贡献最大;微微型浮游生物对初级生产力的平均贡献次之;小型浮游生物对总初级生产力的平均贡献最小;湾北部小型浮游生物对初级生产力的平均贡献高于湾中部和湾南部,而湾中部和湾南部微型和微微型浮游生物对初级生产力的平均贡献高于湾北部,远岸深水区高于近岸浅水区。3、北部湾可以分为三个生态区:湾北部近岸浅水区,该区的环境主要特点是平均水深19m,DIN浓度平均值为1.88μmol/L,DIP浓度平均值为0.20μmol/L,N:P为9.4:1,硅酸盐浓度平均值为5.17μmol/L,表层叶绿素a平均值高达2.27 mg·m~(-3),表层同化指数平均为3.80 mg/,初级生产力平均值198.78mgC/(m~2·d),根据初级生产力计算潜在渔业资源碳生产量平均为0.24 gC/(m~2·a),该区主要受湾北部沿岸水系影响,适合作为水产养殖区;湾北部深水区和海南岛西部沿岸浅水区,该区的环境主要特点是平均水深35m,DIN浓度平均值为2.01μmol/L,DIP浓度平均值为0.18μmol/L,N:P为11.2:1,硅酸盐浓度平均值为4.23μmol/L,表层叶绿素a平均值1.45 mg·m~(-3),表层同化指数平均为4.12mg/,初级生产力平均值276.60 mgC/(m~2·d),根据初级生产力计算潜在渔业资源碳生产量平均为0.34 gC/(m~2·a),该区主要受南部湾口区海流向湾内延伸,沿岸海南岛河流注入湾内和琼州海峡过道水的影响,适合作为渔业作业区和水产养殖区;湾中部和南部远岸深水区,该区的环境主要特点是平均水深75m,DIN浓度平均值为0.77μmol/L,DIP浓度平均值为0.15μmol/L,N:P为5.1:1,硅酸盐浓度平均值为3.05μmol/L,表层叶绿素a平均值0.70 mg·m~(-3),表层同化指数平均为3.69 mg/,初级生产力平均值350.89 mgC/(m~2·d),根据初级生产力计算潜在渔业资源碳生产量平均为0.43 gC/(m~2·a),该区主要受北部湾环流影响,适合作为渔业作业区。
He proved that the left ward turning of Yangtze river diluted water is mainly resulted from the interaction between the bottom declining and the lag of the transversal pressure gradient, made the numerical simulation and preliminary study on the thermohaline staircase structure formation mechanism, improved American Academician Wunsch's inverse method of ocean circulation, jointed the discover of " Mindanao Under Current", which is the first ocean current found and named by Chinese scientists and widely accepted over the world, simulated the horizontal and vertical carbon fluxes in East China Sea by a simple ecosystem model, estimated the photosynthesis efficiency less than 8% in Jiaozhou Bay, applied statistical downscaling technology to Chinese coast and Japanese islands realizing the simulation and forecast of sea level low frequency variations, pointed out that the quasi-periodicity of El Nino events should be resulted from the interaction between the 3~4 year oscillation in tropical Pacific and decadal oscillation in the northern Pacific of middle latitudes of the air-sea coupled climate system and at decadal time scale the precipitation influence on sea level variation along Chinese coast and Japanese islands becomes more important, which is closely related to the decadal oscillation of air-sea coupled climate system, therefore precipitation most likely play a major role for the decadal oscillation formation;; proposed Extended Associate Pattern Analysis to analyse combined observed datasets of sea surface temperature and sea level pressure or geopotential hight at 1000 hPa (GH1000) over the Pacific and related seas.
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- 推荐网络例句
Green function defined inphase space differs from one in coordinate space by its struc-ture which exhibits nonlocatity in coordinates and oscillatorybehavior with respect to momenta.
The upper front part of a saddle;a saddlebow.
The fame thing I don't like.