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sexual reproduction相关的网络例句

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与 sexual reproduction 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Characterized by reproduction involving the alternation of sexual and parthenogenetic generations.


Characterized by reproduction involving the alternation of sexual and parthenogenetic generations .


Human reproduction and sexual intercourse between women and men were very closely linked in the past.


It is considered to play an important role in protecting the functional pistil and stamens, ensuring reproduction by avoid selfing, and increasing male fitness and outcrossing rates by reducing sexual interference between female and male function.


The ultimate goal of sexual relationships is cooperation and reproduction,sexes to reach it, Rodgers said.

Rodgers 说,尽管男女双方会用不同的战略和行为达到性活动,但性关系的最终目的是合作和生殖。

This is the webpage of Sexual Plant Reproduction Journal, which is published by Springer Link.

这是《植物有性繁殖》杂志的网页,由Springer Link出版社出版。

All these are not part of a sex novel, but a visual reproduction of sexual consciousness and sex psychology.


Leptin has a broader role in the regulation of body weight, sexual maturation and reproduction, immunity and glucose metabolism.


In this study, nine aspects had been carried out, which included the condition optimization of inducing silkworm asexual reproduction; the effective technique of obtaining unfertilized eggs from virginal moth; the investigation of asexual reproductive genetic resources on bivoltine silkworm races; the creating of bivoltine female asexual reproductive lines; the genetic effect analysis of silkworm asexual reproductive character; the eggs protein study on different female lines; growing and developing comparison between asexual reproductive line and its sexual parent; RAPD study on asexual reproductive character; the utilization of asexual reproductive lines.


The sexual reproduction was controlled by the incompatibility factors The advances of researches on the mating characteristics, the composition and multiple alleles of incompatibility factors were summarized.


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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
