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sexual reproduction相关的网络例句

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与 sexual reproduction 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Spinulosa decreased significantly when the water depth was more than 2 meters, as well as the sexual reproduction strategy of V.

随着水位的变化,有性繁殖体的投资比率发生变化,从水深1.4 m的2.77% 0.96%到水深2 m的0.13% 0.22%;而无性分株繁殖方式水深2 m以下没有显著差异。

In order to investigate the effects of different shading levels (Shading levels were: control 0, 50%, 80%, 90%) on the trade-off relations between sexual reproduction and clonal multiplication of Vallisneria spinulosa, a natural greenhouse experiment was carried out by winter tuber of Vallisneria spinulosa being collected from Poyang Lake in the Jiangxi Province.


Coevolution, freshwater snails, maintenance of sexual reproduction, Red Queen hypothesis, Trematoda, parthenogenesis.


However, the growth of rotifer fed on high-density Chlorella pyrenoidosa was inhibited notably, and there was no effect on its fecundity. Sexual reproduction of Brachionus urceus was not promoted by improving the density of diet.


Sexual reproduction can bring about genetic commingling.


In order to explain clearly the variation status of embryo from tetrapoid Robinia pseudoacacia and fully use the variation resource initiated in the sexual reproduction of TRP in the further improvement of TRP, the classification and vitalities of seed embryos from tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia were studied. The main results are as follow. According to the cotyledon number, color and plumpness, the seed embryos of TRP could be divided into 5 types: YVT (yellow, very replete,2 cotyledons), YMT( yellow, more replete,3 cotyledons ), YRF ( yellow, replete,4 cotyledons ), GNT ( green, no-replete, 2 cotyledons ) and WNT ( white, no-replete, 2 cotyledons ).


Fungi Anamorphici (Deuteromycota; Fungi Imperfecti; mitosporic fungi) A phylum of so-called ' imperfect ' fungi in which sexual reproduction is unknown or has been lost during evolution.


Generally, local clonal diversity is determined by the dynamic balance between loss of established genets and recruitment of new genotypes via sexual reproduction or colonization, as described by Eriksson's recruitment mechanism.


Lingyun Baihao variety of tea is a sexual reproduction system, a small tree-based, large-leaved type, in the species.


They produce no offspring of their own, one consequence of which is that populations of plants and animals capable of self-fertilisation, or "selfing", grow at twice the rate of populations that depend on sexual reproduction.


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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
