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sexual reproduction相关的网络例句

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与 sexual reproduction 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Both of sexual and asexual reproduction was observed in Cycas fairylakea population, and the ratio of the sexual reproduction to asexual reproduction was different in different habitats.


The giant jellyfish exhibit two types of reproduction, one is asexual reproduction, including fertilized eggs, planula, scyphistoma, podocyst, strobila and ephyra; the other is sexual reproduction, including medusa or jellyfish, typically solitary, pelagic.


The journal covers the research advances of the dynamics and mechanisms of sexual processes in all plants, including meiotic mechanisms, male and female gametogenesis and their related gene expression, fertilization mechanisms, gamete recognition, control of early embryogenesis and biotechnological applications in sexual reproduction etc.


Age and sexual structures are given to the individuals according to the sexual reproduction popular in nature.

它最早由美国密执安大学的Holland教授提出,起源于6 0年代对自然和人工自适应系统的研究。

Sexual reproduction is not a universal strategy and so we will examine the advantages and disadvantage of this system versus a***ual reproduction.


But through has the actor\'s wig to the cover and does not cover two kind of processing Dactylopius confusus\'s bosom egg quantity dissection result analysis which the actor\'s wig grows naturally to be possible to know,grain\'s reproduction way is the sexual reproduction,and is through spawns the hatching,but is not the viviparity.


In addition, the propagation of sexual contain other genes are also two types of fungus emerged, which show that Nosema may be a genetic control of reproductive cycle, and may be infected when the host started sexual reproduction.


In order to disclose the adaptive strategies and capacity of Potaninia mongolica Maxim, acquired during its evolution history, the whole response system, which was composed of individual morphology plasticity response, organs anatomy structure response, physiological function response of anti-arid and anti-hotness, activities of protective enzymes response, endogenous hormone adjustment response, sexual reproduction strategies response of seeding, dispreading, sprouting and renewing, asexual reproduction strategies response of clonal growth patterns, clonal growth architectures, clonal growth architectures plasticity, heterogeneous resources utilization strategies, endogenous hormone distribution in clonal organs, foraging behavior, risk-spreading, and resource sharing, individual density allocation patterns response, niche differentiation response, species connection response, allelopathy response and biodiversity components response of the plant was profoundly explored in this paper.The studies come to at least four important results:(1) Taking the sensitive response and evading strategy to adapt to environment stress, Potaninia mongolica Maxim is a successful species has lived through the long-term evolution. Nevertheless, it is narrow climate and soil niche and characteristic of vegetation reproduction which has made the plant a rare and endangered species.


Specimens were reared under different temperatures, photoperiods, and densities. Total weights of lacerates were used as an index of investment in asexual reproduction, whereas gonad weights as an index of investment in sexual reproduction.

为了解答这个疑惑,我们以美丽海葵(Aiptasia pulchella Carlgren 1943)为材料,以不同的环境变因:温度、光周期、海葵个体密度为处理,并以碎裂片数目、大小及湿重代表无性生殖的反应与投资,以生殖腺湿重代表有性生殖的投资,探讨海葵的有、无性生殖投资之间是否有补偿作用的现象。

PCD during sexual reproduction in plants is a universal phenomenon in the development of plants. The degeneration of some cells in the procreating apparatus is very important for the sexual reproduction.


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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
