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set out相关的网络例句

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与 set out 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The input dialogs have an ugly proportional font so I set out right away to fix that.


Christianity has always wanted to make inroads into Tibet. The earliest attempt was in 1624, when several Portuguese missionaries set out from Goa, and they went first to what is now Zhada County in the Ngari region. They obtained support from the Guge King, established a church, baptized members of the royal court and took some followers, but because the lamas strongly opposed it, and even sent the Ladwags army to capture the royal court, the missionaries had to give up on their plans of developing Christianity as a major religion there. Afterwards, there were many missionaries who entered Tibet to proselytize, but virtually none of them were successful.


And then one day, in a fit of spring madness, I set out with a pruner and lopped off a few errant branches.


You should set out 15 minutes earlier to ensure arrival punctually.


After his quaestorship he received Baetica by lot and then set out for Africa to settle affairs at home, as his father had died.


Study the management of the marine fishery risk just from the financial tool angle can\'t also bag all contents of risk management, from the marine fishery risk management of inside request to set out, need to study the non-financial tool that the Chinese marine fishery risk manages, such as the quarter rest fishing system, developing ecosystem fishery, developing the high and new technique of the marine fishery,, construct the risk information of the marine fishery management system, develop to lie organization etc. in the marine fishery.


Quotable: i didn't set out to become a model.


I'd ra THE r she set out to do the work now.


Once the Prophet set out in the month of Ramadan.


In between filming "Star Wars" Episodes II and III, he set out to make "Shattered Glass," about disgraced New Republic writer Stephen Glass, after reading about the scandal in Vanity Fair.


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Set Out Running
Shout Out To My Set

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
