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set down相关的网络例句

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与 set down 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I did not decorate the house .4 They repaired the washing machine .5 We must cut this dangerous tree down .6 We have to install tiffs new television set .


And that set the tone for a parade of glowering tough cookies who looked like they'd stepped straight out of Gangs of New York . Kohl-eyed, clutching their silver-topped canes like cudgels, they stormed down the catwalk in tailored finery. It was a typical McQueen scenario: immaculately realized garments underpinned by a hint of horror movie (a leather butcher's apron transmogrified into Rollerball rig) and the promise of rough sex (muscles that stopped at nothing, for no one).

呼应著服装主题,所有男模们都装扮成Gangs of New York电影中气势强悍的凶狠角色:中东妇女惯用的墨黑粗线眼妆、手持镀银棍棒长杖、并身著合身长大衣;这是McQueen最擅长的戏剧化主题,运用或惊悚或暴力的电影概念与剧情,来勾勒建构出设计师意欲传递的非主流思维。

After rough tuning, push tremolo all the way up and down several times to set strings, then fine tune and adjust transposing feature as needed.


You may have been trekking down your current path for years, and now you've set a whole new direction.


It was as if someone had taken a tiny bead of pure life and decking it as lightly as possible with down and feathers, had set it dancing and zig–zagging to show us the true nature of life.


Set PH to 7-9 by soda or ammonia liquor, add 1 – 2 g/l Hontongent OR, run 20Mins in the temperature of 80– 85℃, cold down to 30 – 40℃, cold water washing

用苏打或氨水调节 pH 到7 – 9,加入1 – 2 g/l Hontongent OR ,在80– 85℃温度下处理20分钟,然后降温到30 – 40℃用冷水清洗。

Then set the angle a tiny bit down on the right side (356,78 it means less than one degree).

然后设置的角度来看,一小位向下在右边( 356,78 这意味着少于1度)。

Then set the angle a tiny bit down on the right side (356,78潞 it means less than one degree).

然后设置的角度来看,一小位向下在右边( 356,78 潞这意味着少于1度)。

Then set the angle a tiny bit down on the right side (356,78o it means less than one degree).

然后设置的角度来看,一小位向下在右边( 356,78 o这意味着少于1度)。

However, as the Sun bak'd these Two, very dry and hard, I lifted them very gently up, and set them down again in two great Wicker-Baskets which I had made on purpose for them, that they might not break, and as between the Pot and the Basket there was a little room to spare, I stuff'd it full of the Rice and Barley Straw, and these two Pots being to stand always dry, I thought would hold my dry Corn, and perhaps the Meal, when the Corn was bruised.


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Set Up Down Here (Lil Ghetto Boy)
I'm Gonna Set My Foot Down
Set This Circus Down
Set Down Your Glass
Down, Set, Go
Set Your Arms Down

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
