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Ovary sessile, basally with perigynous pubescence.


We describe the use of retroflexion in the colon as a useful and routine technique using a standard colonoscope for the resection of difficult sessile polyps.


Retroflexion complements the conentional prograde inspection of sessile polyps that are only partially isualized on prograde iew alone.


Leaves sessile, lanceolate, 30-50 × 2-2.5 mm, rugose on both sides, usually 1-veined, base contracted but not decurrent, apex usually obtuse.

叶无柄,披针形, 30-50 * 2-2.5毫米,具皱纹两面,通常1脉,基部收缩的但不是下延,先端通常钝的。

Basal leaves often withering early; petiole 1.2--1.5 cm. Stem leaves usually in whorls of 4, sessile or petiole to 2.2 cm, densely villous; leaf blade long ovate or ovate-oblong, 2--5 X 1.1--2.2 cm, abaxially whitish scurfy, adaxially sparsely pubescent, pinnatifid; segments triangular-ovate to long ovate, dentate.

基生叶通常早枯萎;叶柄1.2-1.5 厘米茎生叶通常在4,无梗或叶柄在2.2厘米,密被长柔毛轮生方面;叶片长卵形或卵形长圆形,2-5 X 1.1-2.2厘米,背面带白色具鳞屑,正面疏生短柔毛,羽状半裂;裂片三角状卵形的到长卵形,具牙齿。

Self-fertilization involves male and female gametes produced by the same, hermaphrodite individual, Self-compatibility is a means by which sessile and less mobile organisms' such as plants, that are unable to actively seek mates, insure against failure to cross=fertilize.


Self-fertilization involves male and female gametes produced by the same, hermaphrodite individual, Selfcompatibility is a means by which sessile and less mobile organisms' such as plants, that are unable to actively seek mates, insure against failure to cross=fertilize.


All 26 polyps were sessile, ranging from 1 to 6 mm in size (mean, 2.5 mm).


Most of the corals are sessile animals that do not move from one location to another.


Objective To investigate the value and safety of endoscopic mucosal resection in elderly patients with large sessile colorectal polyps.

目的 探讨内镜黏膜切除术对老年广基息肉病变的治疗价值及安全性。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
