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Leaves alternate,± sessile; stipules in pairs, small; leaf blade narrowly elliptic to almost needle-shaped, margin entire to incised.


Leaves alternate, sessile, margin obtusely incised-dentate or undulate.


Leaves opposite, petiolate or rarely sessile; petiole base with a short ocrea; leaf blade margin entire.


Middle and upper cauline leaves sessile or subsessile, smaller and less divided than basal ones, sometimes pectinate.


Leaves sessile or shortly petiolate, petiole to 5 mm; perianth tube not pubescent inside.


Pistillate flowers with stamens undeveloped or without pollen; disk often absent; ovary terete or obovoid; stigma capitate or discoid, sometimes 2- or 3-lobed, sessile.


Pistillate flowers in dense spikes, without bractlets; calyx as in male flowers, persistent, recurved; rudimentary stamens very short; ovary with stigma capitate, sessile.


Pistillate flowers: calyx as in staminate flowers, persistent; corolla 4- or 5-lobed, base tubular and often inflated; reduced stamens absent; ovary sessile or with short pedicel, 1-loculed; ovules 2, pendulous from apex; stigma thick, peltate, apex concave, sometimes slightly oblique.

雌花: 花萼与雄花的相同,宿存;花冠4或5裂,基部管状和经常膨大;退化的雄蕊无;子房无梗或具短花梗,1室;胚珠2,从先端下垂;柱头粗,盾形的,凹的先端,有时稍的偏斜的。

In the second part, we developed a new approach for the preparation of highly dispersed carbon black platinum nanoparticle with different geometric shapes by introducing clay (0 to 33%) as a dispersing agent in 5% Nafion co-solvent suspension without any organic solvents. FE-SEM analysis of CB/clay (100/0, 85/15, 67/33) was achieved CB particles with an average diameter of 40-60 nm. The hydrophilic property of the hybrid material was effectively improved in the presence of the clay was observed in sessile-drop test.

第二部分中我们发现在燃料电池之触媒制备常利用碳黑作为载体,碳黑在水中分散程度不一,而有机分散剂之电阻质较高常导致触媒用量提高增加成本,在本论文中我们利用几何片状结构的黏粒矿物与Nafion溶液做为分散剂巧妙的将碳黑分散,在不同黏土矿物与碳黑之不同比例(clay/CB 0/100, 15/85, 33/67)下进行分散,在SEM及TEM鉴定下证明其分散程度而碳黑粒径约40-60 nm。

pph is a simple,safe,effective method with minimal invasion and few complications for rectal sessile polyp.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
