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Leaves subentire or variously lobed, minutely scabrous with mostly sessile stellate pubescence adaxially, drying of different colors; leaves and stems lacking bristly, long-stalked hairs.


Leaves 3, in a terminal whorl, sessile or shortly petiolate, rhombic-orbicular to ovate, with 3 or 5 main veins and anastomosing veinlets.


Herbs annual or biennial. Trichomes sessile and stellate, sometimes mixed with simple or forked ones.


Leaves opposite, petiolate to almost sessile; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, secondary veins 1 or 2(or 3) on each side of midvein.


Basal leaves rosulate, persistent; petiole to 6 cm; leaf blade oblong or oblong-spatulate, rarely linear-oblong,(0.3-)0.6-1.7(-1.9) cm × 1.5-4 mm, densely tomentose with 4-6-rayed stellate trichomes 1 or more rays of which forked or with a lateral branch on each side, base attenuate or cuneate, margin entire, apex obtuse. Cauline leaves absent or rarely 1, sessile; leaf blade oblong, tomentose as basal leaves, margin entire, apex obtuse.


Leaves all basal, a few sessile, undivided and linear, others petiolate; leaf blade 3-sect, segments undivided or 1 or 2 × dissected into linear lobules. Scapes naked.

叶全部基生,几无梗,不裂和线形的,其它人具叶柄;叶片3全裂,裂片不裂或1或2 回多裂成线形的小裂片。

Annual or weakly perennial herbs; ovary 4-locular; fruit dry; pyrenes 1-seeded; flowers sessile

一年生草本的或身体虚弱的多年生草本;子房4室;果干燥;果核1种子;花无梗 5 Verbena 马鞭草属

Prophylls absent. Leaves alternate, opposite, or whorled, main lateral veins all basal; reticulate veins inconspicuous. Flowers bisexual, very small, often within depressions in rachis, sessile.


Flowers sessile; perianth segments short, fleshy, blunt, ridged on back, hardly opening at anthesis, not wing-shaped in fruit.

花无梗 花被片短,肉,钝,在后面成脊状,几乎不打开的在花期,在果期不为翅形。

Bisexual flower: tepals reflexed; disk annular; ovary semi-sunken in disk; stigma sessile.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
