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Rhizomes without bulbils; basal leaves petiolate or sessile.


Female flowers: carpels 3, sessile; ovules ca. 20, in 2 rows on wall adjacent to ventral suture.

雌花 心皮3,无梗;约的胚珠20,在在腹面的缝附近的壁的2排。

A European planthaving narrow,sessile leaves and dense corymbs of small,bright yellow,discoid flower heads.


Ovary and fruits with stellate hairs or stellate scale-hairs; leaf blade basal glands sessile or cupular

子房和果具星状毛或星状鳞片毛;叶片基部腺体无梗或杯状 16

Ovary and fruits glabrous; leaf blade papery, basal glands sessile and cupular.

子房和果无毛;叶片纸质,基部腺体无梗和杯状。 15 C。 chunianus 光果巴豆

Cupules sessile; nuts with appressed hairs; bracts linear or clawlike; petiole less than 1.5 cm.

壳斗无柄;坚果具贴伏毛;苞片线形或爪状;叶柄不到1.5 厘米 48

Cystoliths usually linear or fusiform; stigma sessile, penicillate-capitate; perianth lobes of female flowers free or connate at base, staminodes present.

乳状体通常线形或者纺锤形;柱头无梗,具毛撮头状;花被裂片女floxers离生或合生在基部,退化雄蕊提出(除了在Procris )。

Cymes umbel-like, sessile, terminal or extra-axillary.


Inflorescences axillary, sessile, glomerules of unisexual flowers; male glomerules distal; female ones proximal, or sometimes mixed in middle.


Inflorescences axillary, androgynous, sessile, glomerules crowded on broad, campanulate, dentate involucre.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
