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Inflorescences terminal or subterminal, less often axillary, sometimes on brachyblasts, sessile or pedunculate, basically racemose, sometimes capitate, spicate, umbelliform, or fascicled.


Sessile Unstalked, for example an acorn, leaf, flower, or other organ that is attached to the main body of the plant.


Sessile spikelet 3.5–4.5 mm, pallid; callus hairs 1/8 spikelet length; lower glume oblong-lanceolate, membranous, back slightly concave, villous except near apex, veinless between keels, upper keels smooth or pectinate-scabrid, apex narrowly truncate or 2-toothed; upper glume apex with 2–2.5 mm awn; upper lemma narrow, 2-toothed in upper 1/4; awn ca.


Panicles several, densely long glandular, peduncle nearly absent; fertile stamens 6; seeds gray-blue, semiellipsoid, shallowly radiate striate; leaves sessile

圆锥花序数个,浓密长具腺,花序梗近无;可育雄蕊6;种子灰色蓝色,半椭圆形,浅辐射状具条纹;叶无柄 1 Floscopa scandens 聚花草

Seed cones sessile or subsessile, brown, yellow-, or red-brown; apophyses rarely lustrous.


Cauline leaves petiolate or sessile and cuneate or auriculate, pinnately or palmately veined, entire, dentate, or crenate; ultimate veins ending or not with apiculate callosities.


Panicle dense, narrowly oblong in outline, 10–22 cm; branches 2–5 cm, branchlets many, short, pilose in axils; racemes 2–4-noded with 7–11 spikelets, disarticulating at maturity, one spikelet of a pair sessile, the other pedicellate; internodes and pedicels 2–2.5 mm, slender with expanded tips, densely ciliate.


Pollen cones terminal, solitary or clustered in leaf axils, or borne in spikelike complexes; individual cones pedunculate or sessile; microsporophylls numerous, spirally arranged, with distinct adaxial and abaxial surfaces; microsporangia 2; pollen 2(or 3)-saccate in Chinese species,.

雄球花单个顶生,或者在叶腋簇生,或者形成穗状复合花序;雄球花有花序梗或者无;小孢子叶许多,螺旋状排列,背腹面显著;小孢子囊2个;中国的种类的花粉2 (-3)气囊,。

4 Mm wide. Staminodes sessile, ca.


Inflorescence branches with or without subtending bracts, bracts usually well developed; spikelets sessile

花序通常有或没有对着苞片,苞片分开发育良好;小穗无梗 21

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
