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与 sessile-flowered 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Leaf blade oblong, pinnate; pinnae opposite, sessile, ovate to orbicular, entire or 3–6-lobed to serrate.


Upper leaves smaller, sessile, pinnate, pinnae lanceolate.


Basal leaves petiolate, sheathing; leaf blade 1-pinnate; pinnae sessile, remote.


Leaves alternate, sessile, linear to linear-lanceolate, pinnatipartite or pinnatifid.


Leaves opposite or distal ones in whorls of 3 or 4, sessile or petiole to 5 mm, villous; leaf blade long ovate to ovate-oblong, 2--5 X 0.7--1.5 cm, pubescent on both surfaces, pinnatipartite to pinnatisect; segments 6--10 pairs, linear to linear-oblong, incised-dentate.

叶对生或上部的3轮生或4,对5毫米,具长柔毛的无梗或叶柄;叶片长卵形到卵状长圆形,2-5 X 0.7-1.5厘米,两面被短柔毛,对羽状全裂的羽状深裂;裂片6-10 对,线形的到线形长圆形,锐裂具牙齿。

Basal leaves petiolate or sessile, rosulate or not, entire, dentate, or pinnatisect.


Stamens 5-10 or numerous; filaments generally free and persistent, or anthers sessile; anthers basifixed, longitudinally dehiscent or poricidal; staminodes present or not, sometimes persistent, awl-shaped, spatulate, or petaloid, sometimes connected into a tube.


Sessile spikelet 1.3–2 mm; stamen 1; awn of upper lemma strongly reflexed above base.


Fruit dehiscent, siliques or silicles, linear, oblong, ovoid, or lanceolate, terete or slightly 4-angled, sessile or shortly stipitate; valves with an obscure or prominent midvein, smooth or torulose; replum rounded; septum complete or perforated, translucent, veinless; style obsolete or distinct and to 3 mm; stigma capitate, entire.


Fruit dehiscent siliques or silicles, linear, oblong, obovoid, or ellipsoid, terete or slightly 4-angled, sessile or shortly stipitate; valves with an obscure to prominent midvein, glabrous, smooth or subtorulose; replum rounded; septum complete or basally perforated, membranous; style obsolete or short and less than 1 mm; stigma capitate, entire.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
