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与 sessile-flowered 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Flowers short pedicellate or sessile, in racemes, spikes, or heads, sometimes solitary in axils of apical leaves.


Gall flowers: sessile or pedicellate; calyx lobes 4; ovary white; style subapical, long.

瘿花: 无梗或有花梗;萼裂片4;子房白色;花柱近尖端,长。

Flowers sessile or shortly pedicellate, 5-merous.


Inflorescences terminal on main stems; flowers pedicellate; leaves sessile.

花序顶生在主茎上;花有花梗;叶无柄 6

Members of this tribe can usually be readily recognized by their fragile racemes bearing paired spikelets, one sessile and the other pedicelled.


Racemes disarticulating at maturity; spikelets of a pair 1 sessile and 1 pedicelled, or spikelets solitary

脱节的总状花序成熟时;小穗的对1无梗和1 pedicelled,或孤独 4

Pedicelled spikelet male or barren, usually smaller than sessile, sometimes much reduced.


Pedicelled spikelet resembling the sessile but slightly narrower and less concave, occasionally slightly smaller and staminate.

雄蕊2-3。 Pedicelled小穗象无梗但是和较少凹的稍狭窄,更小和雄蕊花的稍的偶有。

Pedicelled spikelet tightly erect, as long as or shorter than sessile spikelet, herbaceous; pedicel broad, of similar texture to, and partly or wholly adnate to adjacent rachis internode.


Pedicelled spikelet resembling sessile but usually smaller and slightly laterally compressed; pedicel free, resembling adjacent rachis internode.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
