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与 sessile-flowered 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ovary straight, stigma sessile, penicillate-capitate; ovule orthotropous.


Gynoecium 2-5-carpellate, connate; ovary superior, 1-locular, ovule 1, orthotropous; stigmas 1-5, sessile or with very short styles.

Gynoecium 2-5具心皮,合生;子房上位,1室,胚珠1,;柱头1-5,无梗或具非常短花柱。

Female flowers: perianth tube adnate to ovary, mouth contracted, apex 3- or 4-toothed; staminodes absent; stigma sessile, discoid or peltate, long ciliate hairs along margin; ovule orthotropous.

雌花: 花被筒贴生于子房,口部收缩,顶3或4齿状;退化雄蕊无。柱头无柄,盘状的或者盾形,具长缘毛毛沿边缘;胚珠直生的。

Leaves in whorls of 6 near summit of stem, sessile or shortly petiolate, palmately or pinnately veined, entire.


Leaves sessile, triangular-ovate to narrowly elliptic, not minutely papillose; stems usually unbranched below inflorescence.

叶无柄,三角状卵形的到狭椭圆形,并非细小小乳突;茎通常不分枝的在花序下面。 55 H。 erectum 小连翘

Leaves paripinnate, alternate, sessile; leaflets usually in many pairs, first pair small, like stipules, others evidently larger, usually serrate; lateral veins often many, extending to tips of dentate margins, parallel.


Flowers yellowish to greenish, rarely brightly colored, small, bisexual or unisexual, rarely polygamous,(4 or)5-merous, hypogynous to epigynous, in mostly axillary, sessile or pedunculate cymes, or reduced to few in fascicles. Calyx tube patelliform or hemispherical to tubular, sometimes absent, at rim with calyx, corolla, and stamens; sepals 4 or 5, valvate in bud, triangular, erect or ± recurved during anthesis, adaxially often distinctly keeled, alternate with petals.


Sessile spikelet longer than rachis internode; lower glume elliptic-ovate to oblong, papery to leathery, 5–9-veined, marginally 2-keeled, keels pectinately spiny, often winged at apex; upper glume 3-veined, keeled along midvein, otherwise almost flat, often narrowly winged on lower keel; lower floret staminate, palea present; upper floret bisexual, upper lemma entire, awnless.

无梗小穗长于轴节间;下部颖片椭圆状卵形到长圆形,纸质到革质,5-9脉,具刺的2龙骨状,龙骨状的pectinately,通常具翅的在先端的稍微; 3脉的上面颖片,龙骨状沿中脉,几乎平的否则,龙骨状的通常狭翅在下部;雄蕊花的下部的小花,内稃宿存;全缘的上面小花两性,上面外稃,。

Flowers sessile or shortly pedicellate; ovary and fruit usually pubescent.

花无梗或有短花梗;通常的子房和果短柔毛。 49 Armeniaca 杏属

Flowers small, bisexual, 5-merous, white, fragrant, sessile to shortly pedicellate.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
