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Female flowers: sessile; style apical, persistent, as long as achene; stigma funnelform.

雌花: 无柄花柱顶端,宿存的,等长于瘦果;柱头漏斗状。

Achene sessile; branchlets and petiole glabrous.


Coastal zones are important habitats to fauna, having a primary production for offering such as benthos and sessile organisms.


Of or relating to a sessile leaf or bract that completely clasps the stem and is apparently pierced by it.


Inflorescences axillary; spikes terminal and axillary or only terminal, densely arranged into 4--11 spikelets; lateral spikes almost sessile; bracts longer than first bractlet, margin broadly membranous and wider than herbaceous part, apex rigidly and thickly cuspidate; each flower subtended by a bractlet; first bractlet similar to bracts but slightly shorter.


Inflorescence a terminal open panicle with elongate central axis; branches capillary, subdivided, each branchlet tipped by a short raceme; racemes with 1–5(–8) spikelet pairs, often reduced to triads of 1 sessile and 2 pedicelled spikelets, basal homogamous spikelet pairs absent; rachis internodes and pedicels slender, with a median translucent stripe between thickened margins.

花序一顶生开阔的的圆锥花序具拉长主轴线;分枝发状,再分,通过一短总状花序的每小枝端部;总状花序具1-5(-8)小穗对,通常退化至三人小团伙的1无梗和小穗2 pedicelled,基部同性花对无;节间的轴和花梗纤细,有在加厚的边之间的一个中间的半透明的条纹。

Ovary inferior, stalked or sessile; ovules 2 or 3, pendulous from apex of placenta, usually flexuous or corrugate.


The dispersal unit is thus composed of sessile spikelet, rachis internode, and pedicel (the pedicelled spikelet falls separately), all of which contribute to the protection of the seed and are frequently ornamented or modified.In the more primitive members both spikelets of a pair are alike and fertile and are arranged in a terminal panicle. In most genera, however, the pedicelled spikelet has lost its fertility and differs in shape and texture from the sessile one.


Inflorescence a single terminal raceme; raceme hairy, fragile, densely spiculate, the spikelets borne in threes, 2 sessile and 1 pedicelled at each node, sessile and pedicelled spikelets similar, both fertile or pedicelled spikelet male or barren, occasionally lowermost spikelets paired; rachis internodes broadly linear, densely ciliate on margins, shorter than spikelets; pedicel similar but more slender.

花序一名单身顶生总状花序;有毛,脆,浓密细刺的总状花序,小穗生于3,2无梗和1 pedicelled在每节,轴节间的宽线形,在边,短于小穗上浓密纤毛;花梗相似但是更细长。

Lower glume of sessile spikelet not spinulose; sessile spikelets 4–6 mm; culms 20–90 cm tall

无梗小穗的更低的颖片不具微刺;无梗小穗4-6毫米;秆20-90厘米高 3

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
