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与 sessile-flowered 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Flowers pedicellate or sessile, in racemes, cymose panicles, or spikes, terminal or leaf-opposed.


Umbels simple or compound; peduncles racemous, cymous or corymbose-branched; bracts foliaceous, usually serrate; bracteoles small, entire, rarely lobed; umbellules with both sessile or subsessile, bisexual flowers and pedicellate, staminate flowers.


Other stem leaves gradually decreasing in size upward, sessile, oblong to ovate-oblong, base decurrent into wings.


It is well known that retinal pigment epithelial cells are predominant proliferative cells in PVR which is an excessively wound healing response occurring after RPE cell wounding. The activated RPE cells migrate from their normal, sessile state to vitreous and onto both surfaces of the retina, in which they begin to dedifferentiate, migrate, proliferate, change phenotype and secrete ECM.

既往研究证明视网膜色素上皮(retinal pigmentepithelial,RPE)细胞是参与PVR的主要细胞,PVR是视网膜脱离后RPE细胞损伤的一种自我修复过程,是一种过度的眼内创伤修复反应;RPE细胞在正常位置上处于静止状态,而在某些病理条件下,如视网膜裂孔形成和视网膜脱离后,RPE细胞脱离原位,开始去分化、移行、增生、发生表型转化并分泌胶原等ECM,最终在视网膜前后表面和玻璃体内形成具有收缩能力的增生膜,造成牵拉性视网膜脱离。

Cymes mostly dichasial, terminal, pedunculate or sessile. Flowers large.


Flowers bisexual or bisexual and male; stamens more than 2 × as many as petals; gynoecium 2- to many loculed; ovules 2 to many per locule; fruit with stalked or rarely sessile pulp vesicles; leaves odd-pinnately 3(or 5)-foliolate, digitately 3-foliolate

花两性或两性和男性;雄蕊超过2 *同数花瓣;第2-到多室雌蕊群;胚珠2到多数每室;果具柄或很少无梗果肉囊;具小叶叶奇数羽状复叶的3(或5),掌状具3小叶, 15

Flowers bisexual; stamens 2 × as many as petals or rarely fewer; gynoecium 2-5-loculed; ovules 1 or 2 per locule; fruit either without pulp vesicles or with sessile pulp vesicles; leaves odd-pinnately 3- to many foliolate, digitately 3-foliolate, 1-foliol

花两性 雄蕊2 *更少的花瓣或很少的同数;雌蕊群2-5室;胚珠每室1或2;果或者没有果肉囊或具无梗果肉囊;奇数羽状复叶的叶3-对具小叶的很多,掌状具3小叶,1-foliol 16

Inflorescence terminal, composed of several to many racemes inserted digitately or along a short axis; racemes elongate with many spikelet pairs, hairy, fragile, sessile and pedicelled spikelets of a pair similar, pedicelled often slightly narrower, both fertile; rachis internodes linear, ciliate along angles; pedicels resembling internodes, usually slightly shorter and more slender.


Leaves basal, tufted, usually slightly distichous equitant, sessile, base dilated.


Achene ovoid to semicircular, often compressed, sessile or stipitate on oblique torus, usually reflexed on dorsiventrally or laterally winged pedicels.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
