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Leaves sessile or subsessile, leaf blade narrowly lanceolate to linear, 0.2--1.2(--3) cm wide

叶无柄或近无柄,叶片狭披针形的到线形,0.2-1.2(-3)厘米宽 6 STEMONA mairei 云南百部

Fruit indehiscent silicle, didymous, schizocarpic, reniform, cordate, or obcordate, angustiseptate, sessile, breaking into 2, 1-seeded, closed halves; valves woody, obscurely to prominently veined, glabrous or hairy, keeled or rounded, reticulate, rugose, verrucose, tuberculate, or rarely smooth; replum rounded; septum reduced to a rim or absent; style obsolete or to 1 mm; stigma capitate, entire.


Fruit indehiscent nutletlike silicle, often breaking into 1-seeded units, oblong, ovoid, or ellipsoid, 1-loculed or transversely 2- or 3-loculed, terete or 4-angled, sessile, woody, often prominently veined, glabrous or papillate, smooth or torulose, sometimes verrucose-reticulate; replum rounded; septum absent; style absent, obsolete, or distinct, thickened and subconical; stigma capitate, entire.


Cauline leaves sessile, auriculate or amplexicaul, entire, dentate, or sinuate.


Cauline leaves petiolate or sessile, often auriculate or amplexicaul at base, sinuate, pinnately lobed, or pinnatisect.


Panicle open, 10–30 cm; branches in distant whorls, capillary, flexuous, 5–15 cm, mostly unbranched, tipped by a raceme; racemes 2–5-noded with 7–13 spikelets, sometimes branched with up to 40 spikelets, disarticulating at maturity, one spikelet of a pair sessile, the other pedicellate; rachis internodes and pedicels slenderly clavate, margins ciliate, hairs 0.7–1 mm. Spikelets 4.5–5 mm; callus hairs ca. 1 mm; lower glume lanceolate, thinly pilose, veins smooth below middle, scaberulous above, apex acuminate; upper glume ciliate on margins, acuminate or emarginate and mucronate; lower floret sterile, palea reduced; upper lemma 2-lobed to middle; awn 5.5–8 mm.

圆锥花序打开,10-30厘米;在远轮生方面的分枝,发状,,5-15厘米,多数不分枝,被总状花序端部; 7-13小穗2-5有节具的总状花序,40小穗的有时分枝具可达,成熟时脱节,一对无梗,另一个的一小穗;棍棒状的轴节间和花梗slenderly,边缘具缘毛,头发0.7-1毫米小穗4.5-5毫米;胼胝体毛约1毫米;披针形,稀疏具柔毛的下部的颖片,脉平滑的中间以下,在上面微糙,先端渐尖;在边缘上具缘毛的上面颖片,渐尖的或微缺和短尖;不育的下部小花,退化的内稃;上面外稃2裂的至中部;芒5.5-8毫米花粉囊2-3毫米。

Leaves simple, alternate, opposite, or whorled, petiolate or sessile, papery or leathery, with pinnate veins, margin entire, leaves rarely reduced and scalelike; stipules absent, sometimes spiniform or scalelike appendages present.


Style absent. Stigma sessile and radiate on flattened stigmatic disc, lacking marginal appendages.


Style absent. Stigma sessile and radiate on cup-shaped stigmatic disc, lacking marginal appendages.


Stigma sessile, radiate on cup-shaped stigmatic disc rimmed by carpellary appendages.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
