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The Wailing Wall delimits the quarters of the different religious communities, while the Resurrection rotunda in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre houses Christ's tomb.


Professor Westcott thinks that John 19:41, implies 'that the sepulchre in which the Lord was laid was not chosen as His final resting place.

Westcott教授认为,约翰19:41 ,意味著'的坟墓,其中主奠定不是作为他的最后的安息之地。

With plough and spade and hoe and loom, Trace your grave, and build your tomb, And weave your winding-sheet, till fair England be your sepulchre!

八 就用锄头和织机,耕犁和铁铲构筑你们的裹尸布吧,终有一天美丽的英格兰成为你们的葬身窟。

And weave your winding-sheet,till fairEngland be your sepulchre.


During the imprisonment of the Franciscans (1537-1540), the Copts obtained permission from the Turkish government to erect an altar behind the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre.


Francesco Surian (1485) the Franciscans had changed the fixed altar within the Aedicula of the Holy Sepulchre with a mobile wooden one in order to be able to celebrate the Eucharist all the time. He also affirms that no one could celebrate without prior permission of the Franciscans who also had the key of the Aedicula.

Francesco Suriamn,西元1485年)记载:方济各会将圣墓∕复活大殿旁的官署内的固定祭台,转换成木制可挪动的祭桌,好便利随时随地庆祝感恩祭典,他又明述:方济各会士掌管著钥匙,要向他们取得许可,方能举行庆典。

A few years later things changed and the Friars seemed to possess more space within the basilica. In fact the Russian Archimandritte Gretenius who came in pilgrimage in the first years of the XV century says that within the basilica live permanently a Greek priest, a Georgian, a Frank, an Armenian, a Jacobite and an Abissinian. He states also that on the aedicula on the tomb there was a picture of the Risen Christ with a kneeling St. Francis. He also says that the Friars of the Chord (as the Franciscans became to be know) possessed Calvary together with the Armenians. All this was probably due to the firmans issued by sultan Barquq (1382-1399) in favour of the Friars of the Holy Sepulchre.


The Calced Carmelites still adhere to the liturgy of the church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, a Gallo-Roman Rite, practically identical with that of Paris in the middle of the twelfth century.

该calced carmelites仍坚持礼仪中的圣墓教堂,在耶路撒冷,一名Gallo是罗马成年礼的,几乎一致认为,巴黎在中东的12世纪。

As the soil is considerably raised in the Valley of the Cedron, the ancient Church of the Sepulchre of Mary is completely covered and hidden.


In 1138, Bethany got a new lease of life when King Fulk of Anjou (1131-1144) took the church of Saint Lazarus from the Canons of the Holy Sepulchre and handed the property over to the Benedictine Nuns of Saint Anne's, Jerusalem. Yvette, sister of Queen Millicent, was a member there. As compensation, the Canons were given the areas around Teqo'a, south east of Bethlehem.

在1138年,伯达尼获得了一份新的生存契约,当安如的Fulk国王(1131-1144)把圣拉匝禄从圣墓教堂的财权取回,并把所有权移交给耶路撒冷的本笃会的圣安妮修院,Millicent 女皇的妹妹Yvette就是它的成员,另外提供伯达尼的东南方Teqo'a周围的地区给圣墓教堂作为补偿。

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Church Of The Holy Sepulchre

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


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