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On the plain scan of CT, the appearances of the aneurysmal bone cyst were the various expansile changes. In destruction of bone, the capsular districts and septation can be seen. On MR T1WI and T2WI, we can see the low signal ring of the diseased region borderline, the diseased region bulk was full of fluid which has miscellaneous signals, it can be seen the low or slightly high signal. In the diseased region, the septation which have low signals both on the T1WI and T2WI can be seen.
So to teach in public school violantes the law that requires the septation of Church and State.
It is necessary in the septation of the pharyngeal part of embryo and the formation of the pharyngeal arch and arch of aorta.
On enhancement scanning, the ring of the diseased region and septation in the diseased region distinctly enhanced.
Also, the abnormalities of polar growth, septation and actin organization were observed during conidial germination and hyphal elongation of the mutant.
It is also necessary in the growth, alignment and septation of the cardiac out flow tract. TBX1 is regulated by a series of upstream genes, and it also regulates a series of downstream genes.
In support of this hypothesis, we show that loss of Tbx5 in the mouse ventricle results in a single chamber lacking distinct identity, indicating a requirement for Tbx5 in septation.
As a member of septation initiation network, sepH is a key factor of cytokinesis in Aspergillus nidulans. However, how the suppressors of sepH affect cytokinesis is not yet understood.
在构巢曲霉Aspergillus nidulans的细胞隔膜开始网(septation initiation network,SIN)的信号途径中,sepH基因对胞质分裂起着关键的正调节作用,但对该途径中同样起着十分重要作用的有关反向调节子的研究目前还不清楚。
The signal of ILK andα-SMA were detected mainly in perisinusoidal space of Disse, proliferative portal space,fibrotic septation and cells around hepatic sinusoid near to fibrotic septation.They nearly expressed in the common area.
Results: MR demonstrated capsule wall and papillary solid lesions in one case with cystic and solid lesions of hepatobiliary cystadenoma. Poly cystic form tan if different sine in sew case, capsule wall and septation was thick, part of capsule wall was obviously thickened and nodes form, intrahepatic bile duct was dilated, large poly-antrum cystic keen form structure in one case, capsule wall and septation were smooth, part of capsule wall was uniformly thicken, capsule wall, septation, mural nodus form and solid lesions in three cases wee all slightly hyperintense on T2WI and slightly hypointense on T1WI. Part of cyst fluid was hypointense on T2WI the diameter if tumor ranged from 3.4cm to 13.5cm. Part of capsule wall, septation, solid lesions and mural nodus west obviously enhanced in arterial phase in three cases, the extent of enhancement showed a little degrade in port vein phase, balance phase and delay phase, but dense to liver parenchyma at synchronization.
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