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与 self-possessed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cohen interprets the moral grounds of the thesis of self-ownership in intuitional level and theoretical level. In term of intuitional level, firstly, Nozick makes use of moral intuition of moral agent's aversion to slavery, asserting that rejection of the thesis of self-ownership is tantamount to endorsement of slavery. Secondly, Nozick makes uses of moral intuition of people's not permitting others'deploying any part of one's own body by coersion, asserting that rejection of the thesis of self-ownership is tantamount to endorsement of redistribution of bodily organs.


The condition of self-consistency and Congruence in Recruit High self-consistency and Congruence group is 172, accunted for 15.2% of overall;norm group is 767, accunted for 67.8%of overall;low self-consistency and Congruence group is 192, accunted for 17% of overall.


⒈The condition of self-consistency and Congruence in Recruit High self-consistency and Congruence group is 172, accunted for 15.2% of overall;norm group is 767, accunted for 67.8% of overall;low self-consistency and Congruence group is 192, accunted for 17% of overall.


In this case the entity's fantasy concerns the self and other-self; this binds the thought-form to the possibility/probability complex connected with the self which is the creator of this thought-form.

RA :我是拉。在这个例子里,这个实体的幻想牵涉到自我与其他-自我,这把这个思想-形态与这个实体可能性/或然率复合体捆绑在一起。

The convergence of them is proved, i.e if the parameters estimation is consistent, then self-tuning fusion estimator will converge to the optimal fusion estimator with known model parameters and noise statistics, and the accuracy of self-tuning fusion estimator is higher than that of each local self-tuning estimator.


It is not a cultural nationalism in a narrow sense. The Cultural cosmopolitanism is the unique choice. All what we want is a sense of concern about our culture and a sense of self-confidence of our culture, neither self-abased nor self-important.


Non-intentionalists respond that what distinguishes wishful thinking from self-deception is that self-deceivers recognize evidence against their self-deceptive belief whereas wishful thinkers do not (Bach 1981; Johnston 1988), or merely possess, without recognizing, greater counterevidence than wishful thinkers.

非意图主义者做出回应是将情愿式思考和自我欺骗区分开的是自我欺骗者认识到了与他们自我欺骗信念对立的证据;而情愿式者却没有(Bach 1981;Johnston 1988),或仅仅是拥有却没有认识到比情愿思考者更大的对立正据。

Act of self - help is a way of right relief which has been confirmed by civil code in many countries. It can compensate for the insufficiency of public relief. Essentially, it is an entity of just and order, right and power, right protection and precaution of right abuse. Self - help behavior can debar the effect of breaking law if it accords with the legal request. Our country' s civil code should construct the act of self - help system..


Thus a truth may be self-evident -- eg the whole is greater than its part -- in which case we are said to have intuitive knowledge of it; or the truth may not be self-evident, but deducible from premises in which it is contained -- such knowledge is termed reasoned knowledge; or again a truth may be neither self-evident nor deducible from premises in which it is contained, yet the intellect may be obliged to assent to it because It would else have to reject some other universally accepted truth; lastly, the intellect may be induced to assent to a truth for none of the foregoing reasons, but solely because, though not evident in itself, this truth rests on grave authority -- for example, we accept the statement that the sun is 90,000,000 miles distant from the earth because competent, veracious authorities vouch for the fact.


Emulousness, defensiveness, self-absorption,and compliance are correlated negatively with self-esteem;emulousness,defensiveness,perfectionism and compliance influenced instability of self-esteem positively.


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Brace Yo Self
Not To Self: Don't Die
Self Pity
Self Made
Move Your Little Self On
Choice Hops And Bottled Self Esteem
Dear Self (Can I Talk To You)
Self Vs. Self

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
