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与 self-complacency 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Positive self conscious emotion cognition develops fast from grade 2 to grade 4. Passive self conscious emotion cognition develops slower than the positive one.5 Primary school children"s knowledge about the reason of emotion and knowledge about behaviors of emotion develop fast with the age increased at primary school period.6 Pupils" emotion cognition to the emotion expresser is better than that to the emotion recipient apparently.

积极自我意识情绪认知在2~4年级间有明显发展,发生了"能与不能"质的转变;消极自我意识情绪的认知发展慢于积极自我意识情绪的认知。5 对情绪原因和情绪行为的认知在年级间差异显著,说明其在小学阶段有明显发展。6 对情绪表现者的情绪认知明显好于对情绪接受者的情绪认知。

There is no limit to the life and exuberance of a socialism that is good at self-readjustment and self-improvement.


Oetzel and associates (2003) have also found that independent self-construal is positively associated with self-face and dominating facework.


The series of Memory Phonograph—A Chronicle Collage of Old Family Pictures and Images uses the images and genealogy on the family album as elements of creativity, studies life cycle of human beings and the pursue of values of life. By means of tracing back to the root of the family and going all the way down the reflections of self existence, the creator attains self-discovery in life and finds therapy through art.


But the play's complex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as compatible/ is no more "contradictory"/ than Du Bois' famous,well-considered ideal/ of ethnic self-awareness/ coexisting with human unity/, Fanon's emphasis on an ideal internationalism/ that also or accommodates national identities and roles.

但是这部剧的这一复杂观点/把黑人自尊和人类团结看作是和谐的/并不矛盾/比 Du Bois 的著名的,深思熟虑的理想/民族自觉意识的/共存和人类大同/; Fanon 的强调/对于理想的国际主义/,同样也能或兼容民族身份与角色。

But the play's complex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as compatible is no more "contradictory" than Du Bois' famous,well-considered ideal of ethnic self-awareness coexisting with human unity,or Fanon's emphasis on an ideal internationalism that also acco******odates national identities and roles.


But the play's complex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as compatible is no more "contradictory" than Du Bois' famous,well-considered ideal of ethnic self-awareness coexisting with human unity,or Fanon's emphasis on an ideal internationalism that also accommodates national


But the play's complex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as compatible is no more ''contradictory'' than Du Bois' famous, well-considered ideal of ethnic self-awareness coexisting with human unity, or Fanon's emphasis on an ideal internationalism that also accommodates national identities and roles.

但是这出戏的复杂的、把黑人自尊和人类团结看成是和谐的观点,与Du Bois的著名且深思熟虑的将名族自我意识共存于人类大同的理想,或是Fanon对国际主义也要包含名族身份和角色这一点的强调一样,都是不"矛盾"的。

But the play's complex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as compatible is no more "contradictory" than Du Bois' famous,well-considered ideal of ethnic self-awareness coexisting with human unity,or Fanon's emphasis on an ideal internationalism that also accommodates national identities and roles.

Q 但该剧有关黑人自尊可与人类团结相融合这一复杂观点,丝毫都不比杜波伊斯的理想或法侬的强调来得更为"矛盾":杜波伊斯提出的著名的、深思熟虑的理想是,民族的自觉可以和人类大同共存;法侬则对理想的国际主义进行了强调,而这一理想的国际主义同样也能兼容民族身份与角色。

But the play's complex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as compatible is no more "contradictory" than Du Bois' famous,well-considered ideal of ethnic self-awarenesscoexisting with human unity,or Fanon's emphasis on an ideal internationalism that also accommodates national identities and roles.


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Brace Yo Self
Not To Self: Don't Die
Self Pity
Self Made
Move Your Little Self On
Choice Hops And Bottled Self Esteem
Dear Self (Can I Talk To You)
Self Vs. Self

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
