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与 self-awareness 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The precondition of p ride and miserliness is self-centered attitude of mind which derives from the pe rsonal and individual self.


Absolutely everything, all form, is simply the expression of the movement of Knowing, the movement of Self. Abide with the Knowing, and be from the Knowing, and all form will identify Being, because there will be no misidentification of Self to cause a preoccupation with form.


Automatic inspection techniques for rapid detection of failure of an effective means, in particular, is a completely self-checking nature of the self-checking devices, not only in time to check out the module error, but also able to detect its own errors.


The Monist in one way or another eliminates the objective from the field of reality, obliterates the distinction between self and not-self, and denies that the external world is real.


In his management bestseller,"Good to Great", Jim Collins argued that the truly successful bosses were not the self-proclaimed stars who adorn[2] the covers of Forbes and Fortune, but instead self-effacing[3], thoughtful, monkish[4] sorts who lead by inspiring example.


Man can restrict his nature of self-love by his own social nature and multifold self and surpasses limits of society. Finally, man can realizes the perfection of human nature and the ends of Nature.


They have strong consciousness of self-expression and they are respect for their perception to take the trouble to convey the multivocal self-experiences, which originating from vision, hearing, taste, touch, perception and so on.


Platform China Contemporary Art Institute is pleased to present its first exhibition in 2008 with a group show of fifteen dynamic young artists from all over the country. These artists are full of keenness, energy, willpower, impulse, passion, creativity and even hormones. They have strong consciousness of self-expression_r and they are respect for their perception to take the trouble to convey the multivocal self-experiences, which originating from vision, hearing, taste, touch, perception and so on. Their experiences may not be perfect, but they are diligent on research.


It is rather a self-satisfied superior's playful mystification of those readers whose limited powers do not enable them to see that his proposition is self-evident 17, 1919, pp.


Female neg ative self consciousness is not inherent.It is result of social expectation for sex in the development of self consciousness.


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Brace Yo Self
Not To Self: Don't Die
Self Pity
Self Made
Move Your Little Self On
Choice Hops And Bottled Self Esteem
Dear Self (Can I Talk To You)
Self Vs. Self

The main researches of this dissertation are summarized as follows:1. AFM study of different effects of natural and semisyntheticβ-lactam on the cell envelope of E.coli.


Take a bus/taxi/ship/plane.


He did not think it consistent with the dignity of that Council to waste any more time over this scurrilous amendment.
