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与 self-awareness 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That sense of self will lead u to the right music , color ...

迪:接近自己是欣赏自己,喜欢自己,不是试图找到你没有的,而是看你所有的,理解你的独特性,理解你的自我伴随你的独特性,然后消溶自我,产生 SELF 感,那种 SELF 感将引导你至合适的音乐、颜色等。

Self.users has a drop attribute and pass that method call to it: self.users.drop!

解释器会发现 self.users 有一个 drop 属性并执行。

Self.users has a drop attribute and pass that method call to it: self.users.drop!users.drop!

解释器会发现 self.users 有一个 drop 属性并执行。

A person with low self-esteem will be more persuadable than a person with high self-esteem when the advocated message is weak.

心理学研究结果是某些人在Self-esteem的低时,更容易接受宣传。降低听众的Self-esteem 有很多技术。比如把听众描绘成,受害者,被现有社会体制抛弃的人。

Commencing from the teaching of common chemistry concept, this topic investigated the function of self-explaining in the teaching of chemistry concept, focusing on exploring whether there exists certain correlation between the level of the students" self-explanation and their academic performances, then tested the variety circumstance of level of students" self-explanation and academic performances after carrying out some training on self-explanation capability. Meanwhile, analyses were made on the exaltation degree to which ths students could improve their academic performances after being trained.


Improving contour of face .Methods Improving contour of face under cosmetic operation.Use the self-rating anxiety scale (SAS,self-rating depression scale, self -esteem scale, the body-esteem scale,and the improvement body dysmorphic disorder to investigate 160 female at the clinic with healthy,disorder contour of face or unpleasure to her face outline before and after treatment,and statistic the data.

运用美容手术的方法改善面部轮廓,采用焦虑自评量表(self-rating anxiety scale,SAS)[1],抑郁自评量表(self-rating depression scale,SDS)[1],自尊量表(self-esteem scale,SES)[1],躯体自信量表(the body-esteem scale,BES)[2],体像障碍自评量表(body dysmorphic disorder,BDD)[3],分别对健康的、面型不协调的、或对自身面型不满意的160例女性求美者进行治疗前、后问卷调查,所得数据进行统计学处理。

In addition to a theory being logically self-referentially inconsistent, a theory can be inconsistent by virtue of itself denying or implying the contrary of one of its justificatory, semantic, or pragmatic presuppositions. Performative inconsistency derives from the self-referential denial of semantic or pragmatic presuppositions--in other words, a performatively self-falsifying proposition denies a necessary condition if its being meaningfully affirmed.27 The affirmation of a self-stultifying proposition, by contrast, denies one of its justificatory presuppositions.

除了'一个理论能在逻辑上自指不一致'外,一个理论能依据'自己被拒绝'或'内含其辩护性/语义性/语用性预设的反对'而得到不一致;换句话说,如果其被有意义地肯定,则是一个performatively self-falsifying的命题拒绝了一个必要条件。27 (作为对比,对self-stultifying命题的肯定,拒绝了部分其辩护性预设。

Methods : From March 2007 ~ January 2009, on the Second Affiliated Hospital of Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Fujian Provincial People's Hospital Medical digestion hospital outpatient , hospital and Digestive Endoscopy Center of Fujian Province with typical heartburn and reflux symptoms ( such as retrosternal pain , sour regurgitation or regurgitation ) in patients with gastroscopy Electronics , rule out the possibility that esophageal mucosal damage or performance , such as Barrett esophagus in patients with selected non-erosive gastroesophageal reflux disease patients , the study investigate with reflux disease questionnaire ( reflux diagnostic questionnaire , RDQ table ) to their symptom severity score , the application of internationally used self-rating anxiety scale ( Self-rating anxiety scale , SAS ), self-rating depression Scale ( Self-rating depression scale , SDS ) for all selected patients with anxiety and / or psychological evaluation of depression and total score statistics , observation of non-erosive gastro-oesophageal reflux patients and the relevance of Psychological factors.

自2007年3月~2009年1月,对就诊于福建省第二人民医院和福建省立医院消化内科门诊、住院和福建省消化内镜中心具有典型的烧心感和反流症状(如胸骨后疼痛、反酸或反食)患者行电子胃镜检查,排除有食管黏膜损害或Barrett食管等表现的患者,筛选出非糜烂性胃食管反流病患者,行反流性疾病问卷(reflux diagnostic questionnaire,RDQ表)对其症状评分,应用国际通用的焦虑自评量表(Self-rating anxiety scale,SAS)、抑郁自评量表(Self-rating depression scale,SDS)对所有入选患者进行焦虑和/或抑郁状态心理测评,并统计总积分,观察非糜烂性胃食管反流病患者症状积分与心理因素的相关性。

The translated SWLS should be used on three dimensions for Chinese adults while SLCS-R (The Self-Liking/Self-Competence Scale Revised Version) should be used on one dimension.;the self-esteem could not be used as a significant influential factor on life satisfaction in the Chinese culture.

结果表明( 1)参照Heckhauen和Shultz的理论模型编制的控制策略量表具有良好的信度和构念效度,适合对我国成年人进行测评;(2)中文版生活满意度量表( Satisfaction WithLife Scale, SWLS和自尊量表(The Self-Liking/Self-Competence Scale RevisedVersion,SLCS-R)的信、效度指标显示,两者分别应该在三个维度正性自尊、自我不喜欢、自我服胜似春口一个维度上对我国成年人进行测量。

The translated SWLS should be used on three dimensions for Chinese adults while SLCS-R (The Self-Liking/Self-Competence Scale Revised Version) should be used on one dimension.; the self-esteem could not be used as a significant influential factor on life satisfaction in the Chinese culture.

结果表明:(1)参照Heckhauen和Shultz的理论模型编制的控制策略量表(Control Strategy Scale,CSS)具有良好的信度和构念效度,适合对我国成年人进行测评;(2)中文版生活满意度量表(Satisfaction With Life Scale,SWLS)和自尊量表(The Self-Liking/Self-Competence Scale Revised Version,SLCS-R)的信、效度指标显示,两者分别应该在三个维度正性自尊、自我不喜欢、自我

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Brace Yo Self
Not To Self: Don't Die
Self Pity
Self Made
Move Your Little Self On
Choice Hops And Bottled Self Esteem
Dear Self (Can I Talk To You)
Self Vs. Self

The crews were able to travel to all corners of China to capture the stunning variety of landscapes and also to feature traditional ways of life, often closely in tune with nature, that are disappearing fast as China modernises.


Construction of 2 beaches hydroelectric station is on river of elegant rice huller.


Do you think the hygeian status affects your healthy a lot in your life?
