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self conscious相关的网络例句

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与 self conscious 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Positive self conscious emotion cognition develops fast from grade 2 to grade 4. Passive self conscious emotion cognition develops slower than the positive one.5 Primary school children"s knowledge about the reason of emotion and knowledge about behaviors of emotion develop fast with the age increased at primary school period.6 Pupils" emotion cognition to the emotion expresser is better than that to the emotion recipient apparently.

积极自我意识情绪认知在2~4年级间有明显发展,发生了"能与不能"质的转变;消极自我意识情绪的认知发展慢于积极自我意识情绪的认知。5 对情绪原因和情绪行为的认知在年级间差异显著,说明其在小学阶段有明显发展。6 对情绪表现者的情绪认知明显好于对情绪接受者的情绪认知。

That certainly was not his conscious intention, but the painful literalism of Lee's sex scenes this time are like the Kama Sutra acted out by gawky, self-conscious teenagers.

这当然不是他有意识的意图,但李登辉的性爱场景,这一次痛苦的写实主义,如Kama Sutra的善后由笨拙,自我意识的青少年。

Teachers may be self-conscious and self-critical about the deliberate inculcation of emotional responses,...


That self-awareness is the world's only primitive, dialectics only exist in the self - conscious thinking activities.


However, in real work, some comrades often make the mistake of one-sided sex self-conscious or not self-consciously.


There are self-conscious, self-disciplined and self-determined professional members.


Therefore, it is sure to come down to all those moral conducts that are chosen by sefl-determination and have sociality, including practical activities of politics, and all self-conscious and self-determining subjects, including those subjects of political practice, namely,"officials".


With the use of electronic police,the driver′s self-conscious and safe conscious are improved,and the rode unclogged are guarantee.


The least self-conscious of styles should require the most self-conscious of corroborations.


As the necessary choice of modern cultural creation, self-conscious symbol design always emerges as a specific cultural creation activity by human dealing with the relation to the outside objective symbolic world under specific historical conditions, which is a functional transcendent activity, a programmed cultural creation activity seeking for concreteness against abstractness, and it is also a cultural creation activity with self-discipline, compatibility, and pre-examination value with the ability of self-reflection, self-criticism, self-transcendence and self-creation, therefore, it is a choice of cultural practice which is helpful for us to guide contemporary human cultural creation according to complex situations and it is also one to further control the future and development trend of our culture.

摘 要:作为现代文化创造之必然选择,自觉符号设计在具体历史条件下总是表现为人处理同外界客观符号世界关系的特定文化创造活动,它既是一种功能性超越活动,又是一种不断寻求具体、反对抽象的程式化文化创造活动,还是一种兼顾自律性、兼容性与预验性价值的文化创造活动。它具备自我反省、自我批判、自我超越、自我创造能力,有助于我们按照复杂情况来引导当代人类文化创造,更好地把握自身文化未来与发展趋势。

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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
