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与 selecting 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At length he would reach the corn, and selecting a suitable ear, frisk about in the same uncertain trigonometrical way to the topmost stick of my wood-pile, before my window, where he looked me in the face, and there sit for hours, supplying himself with a new ear from time to time, nibbling at first voraciously and throwing the half-naked cobs about; till at length he grew more dainty still and played with his food, tasting only the inside of the kernel, and the ear, which was held balanced over the stick by one paw, slipped from his careless grasp and fell to the ground, when he would look over at it with a ludicrous expression of uncertainty, as if suspecting that it had life, with a mind not made up whether to get it again, or a new one,or be off; now thinking of corn, then listening to hear what was in the wind.


This sodium acetate trihydrate based material was obtained by a number of experiments for selecting proper nucleation catalysts and suspension mediums.

对该材料的蓄热性能进行研究表明,该材料相变热可达238 J/g,导热系数为1.072W/m·K(30℃时),可用于空调冷凝热回收系统。

A new heat storage material (CH3COONa·3H2O) with a phase change temperature of 55℃ and a sub-cooling temperature of less than 2℃ was developed. This sodium acetate trihydrate based material was obtained by a number of experiments for selecting proper nucleation catalysts and suspension mediums.


Through anaslysing section real constant and weight of different parts and selecting different element type which are based on structure blueprint, we will build the ANSYS model.2. Unloader boom will be discrete based on trolly travelling on it.


Selecting certain section of North-south Elevated Road in shanghai to develop and set up several curved and erect, turnable noisae-preventing screens, and making comparative noise level test and then conducting analysis and approach on sound environment werw presented in this article.


Selecting certain section of North-south Elevated Road in shanghai to develop and set up several curved and erect, turnable noisae-preventing screens, and making comparative noise level test and then conducting analysis and approach on sound envi


With corn as a test naaterial, trail one aimed for selecting the optimized cultural conditions for measuring digestibility of the starch in rumen undegraded feed residue by using SIF technique.

结果表明,所测各种饲料过瘤胃淀粉小肠消化率分别是:能量饲料中玉米为43.35%,麸皮为19.48%,玉米淀粉为57.79%;蛋白质饲料中豆粕为67.33%,麻粕为 50.19%,棉粕为 46.77%。

Based on the evaluation of rock mechanics properties of undrilling formation, a fuzzy optimization model for selecting the best similar layers with the same rock mechanics properties was established by applying theory of fuzzy optimization. Firstly the best similar layer located the undrilled area was chosen by the model. Secondly the performance of the bit used in the selected layer was evaluated by economic benefit index.


There are some disadvantages in segmenting and selecting while neglecting the characteristics of satellite-based sensor, which leads to unefficient utilization of time window; the end time is easyily postponed.


This article analyses the process' specialists, as a result it indicates that by way of selecting the appropriate technological condition, the related problems such as unflat rate and much broken end in the process of manufacture can be successfully solved.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。