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与 selecting 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper,its image is atmospherically corrected based on the empirical line calibration method selecting water body and concrete dike as dark and bright objects,respectively.


Hyperion is the first spaceborne on-orbit hyperspectral imaging spectrometer. In this paper, its image is atmospherically corrected based on the empirical line calibration method selecting water body and concrete dike as dark and bright objects, respectively.


The 1 kb scaffold-attachment region at 5' non-transcription region of rRNA gene of silkworm Attacus ricini was cloned into eukaryotic expression vector pLu, which contained luciferase report gene and neo selecting marker.

蓖麻蚕核糖体RNA基因非转录间隔区有一长约1kb的核骨架结合区(scaffold-associated region,SAR)。

CEQRP can provide QoS guarantee and is aimed at extending the battery"s lifetime at each node by selecting the nodes with a longb attery"s remaining lifetime to forward packets. Simulation results show that CEQRP has good network performance. Furthermore, CEQRP shows distinct performance advantages in using a nodes electric energy efficiently. 4. The issue about optimal UDP packet size for mobile Ad Hoc networks when transmitting CBR traffic is studied.

基于无线Ad Hoc网络的特性,提出了适用于无线Ad Hoc网络的路由协议CEQRP(Cost-Efficient QoS Routing Protocol),该协议不仅能为应用层提供QoS保证,而且能充分利用网络中剩余能量高的节点来中转分组,从而达到有效利用节点的电能、提高网络&寿命&的目的。

Finally, the foundation design includes the backfilling plate design and selecting and checking the independent foundation.


The rules governing admissions have been made mandatory—and bewilderingly complex (yes to selecting 10% of pupils according to "aptitude" but not "ability", and only for "specialist schools"; yes to "fair banding", which classes children by ability and admits a representative sample, but no to the 11-plus—unless you are one of the 164 grammars; yes to religious schools demanding baptismal certificates and the like, but no to interviewing to ascertain devoutness; and so on for 82 pages).

对根据&天赋&而不是&能力&选择10%的学生进入技术学校是如此;对&合适等级&——将学生按能力排名并录取有代表性的是如此,不过对11 plus考试却并不复杂,除非是164所文法学校其中之一;对宗教学校需要洗礼资格等但不考察是否虔诚亦是如此;等等所有规定共有80页之多)。

In this paper, two novel Organic- Inorganic Hybrid Compounds Containing POMs were achieved by selecting POMs with unique structure and properties and organic ligands with bipyridyl groups as building blocks and transition mental cation as templating through hydrothermal reaction.


Seveteen fine biovotine female lines also had been bred out after 5~10 generations selecting directly to the bivoltine genetic resources, which included 8 Chinese female lines, 8 Japanese female lines and 2 hybrid female lines. These female lines could be reproduced easily by asexual reproductive way, their rate of asexual developed eggs were high with only female generations and economic characters were also stability.


Even though databases fetch data blindingly fast, you should still try to reduce the load on the database by only selecting that data which you need to use.


The second strategy is that selecting young bulls before progeny-testing with marker-assisted animal BLUP which can take account of the performance of the bulls' ancesters, pedigree and marked QTL information.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
